Benton E. Gup

Bank Failures in the Major Trading Countries of the World

Bank failures have been common in the major foreign trading countries of the world during the volatile years since 1980. Here now is the first major study to deal with recent bank failures, near failures, and significant "incidents" in the foreign...

Judith Richter

Holding Corporations Accountable: Corporate Conduct, International Codes, and Citizen Action

At a time when the gigantic transnationals have a huge impact on human health, the environment, working conditions and the economic prospects of nations, this book explores whether it is sufficient to continue to rely on industry...

Bart Nooteboom

Inter-firm Alliances

Inter-Firm Alliances develops an original and comprehensive theory of inter-firm alliances and a coherent method for managing them, combining resource-based views, transaction-cost analysis and institutional economics. The theory is illustrated and...

Challenges of Urban Education and Efficacy of School Reform

Hardbound. Urban Education is the primary target of the school reform movement and remains the most difficult to assess and repair. The crisis in urban school systems mirrors many of the problems found in big cities - poor economic conditions for...

Ryan Stephens, Ron Plew

Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours (3rd Edition)

Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours, Third Edition presents the key features of SQL (Structured Query Language) in an easy to understand format with updated code examples, notes, diagrams, exercises, and quizzes. New material covers more information...

Bonnie Jean Dorr

Machine Translation: A View from the Lexicon (Artificial Intelligence)

This book describes a novel, cross-linguistic approach to machine translation that solves certain classes of syntactic and lexical divergences by means of a lexical conceptual structure that can be composed and decomposed in language-specific ways....

Zovirax - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Brendan Kelly

Statistics with the TI-83 Plus & TI-83 Plus SE

The information age has made statistics one of the most important branches of mathematics. It should be explored using real data from interesting and current sources. Using this book, students enter real data onto spreadsheets or into statistical...

Elaine Weinmann

QuarkXPress 4 for Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide

The best-selling QuarkXPress: Visual QuickStart Guide has been updated to take advantage of the new features in version 4.0. This is the perfect way for beginners to learn QuarkXPress because the step-by-step, illustrated guide teaches...

Дэн Браун

Код да Винчи

Со времен выхода в свет Гарри Поттера еще ни одному автору не удавалось так мастерски вести за собой затаивших дыхание читателей к скандальной развязке! Нью-Йорк Таймс Бук Ревью ...

Дик Фрэнсис

Высокие ставки. Напролом

Стивен Скотт, владелец скаковых лошадей, безгранично доверял своему тренеру. И только на третий год обнаружил, что все это время молодой, способный и трудолюбивый Джоди Лидс его обманывал, и обманывал по-крупному. Да еще и подменил его лучшую...

<<<  Физики в парапсихологии. Большинство очерков, собранных в этой книге, написаны ...             В. Б. Попов. Основы информационных и телекоммуникационных ... >>>

Статистика А. Т. Твардовский. А. Т. Твардовский. Стихотворения. М. Хэлворсон, М. Янг. Эффективная работа: Microsoft Office System 2003 Апорт Шедевры мировой живописи: 11 111 репродукций. Работа Эдуард Казаров. М 104 Дэн Браун. Код да Винчи Компьютерные новости Гого Гороскопы Р. В. Крюков. Государственное регулирование Mitch Geller. New Perspectives on Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, Comprehensive Н. И. Ворожейкина, Е. А. Гевуркова, В. И. Егорова, Л. И. Ларина. ЕГЭ-2007.
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