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Alpha Books, Editors at Alpha Books, Alpha Editors Every Manager's Desk Reference
Providing self-contained how-to sections, this reference guide includes contributions from leading experts in the fields of managing organizations, marketing, stress and time management, and customer service....
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Entrepreneur Press How to Start a Business in Wyoming (HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN WYOMING)
How to Start a Business in Wyoming is your roadmap to avoid planning, legal and financial pitfalls and direct you through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles fledgling entrepreneurs. This all-in-one resource goes a step beyond...
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Mike Mason Development and Disorder: A History of the Third World Since 1945
A contemporary history of the Third World that explains why most of these countries failed to develop in ways which benefit the majority of their populations....
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Leonard J. Schoppa Bargaining with Japan
Schoppa offers a detailed critical examination of the outcome of recent U.S.-Japan trade talks, focusing on the Bush administration's Structural Impediments Initiative and the more recent Clinton Framework talks. He provides a comprehensive...
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Robert Edenborough Using Psychometrics: A Practical Guide to Testing and Assessment
In the right hands, psychometric tests are powerful tools for aiding staff selection and human resource development. They provide the necessary degree of impartiality to determine a persons suitability for a particular job or task. If they are to be...
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Kevin F. Hallock, Kevin J. Murphy The Economics of Executive Compensation (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, 103)
The rapid rise in the earnings of top executives is a distinctive feature of modern capitalism. This important two-volume collection presents some of the most influential published theoretical and empirical papers on executive compensation. ...
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Robert W. Bly The Copywriter's Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Copy That Sells
A book for everyone who writes or edits copy, it reveals dozens of techniques that can help you write ads, commercials, and direct mail that get more attention and sell more products. ...
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Catherine M. Pruissen Start & Run a Home Daycare
- Build a rewarding business working with children - Design a successful operating plan - Meet licensing requirements...
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Winn Schwartau Cybershock: Surviving Hackers, Phreakers, Identity Thieves, Internet Terrorists and Weapons of Mass Disruption
In recent years information warfare has trickled from the domain of governments and megacorporations into the lives and workplaces of the average citizen, and privacy concerns are at an all-time high. Cybershock is the first book to guide the...
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Джон Р. Р. Толкин Властелин Колец. Книга 3. Возвращение короля
"Возвращение короля" - третья книга знаменитой трилогии Дж.Р.Р.Толкина "Властелин Колец"....
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Наталья Александрова Танго втроем
Марина, скромная работница библиотеки, давно поставила крест на личной жизни. И, как выяснилось, зря. Нежданно-негаданно у нее появляются два поклонника, которые назначают ей свидания в ресторанах и наперебой признаются в любви. Но в наше время не...
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Garet Garrett. Where the Money Grows and
Часть и целое. Развивающая игра. Игра развивает
Игорь Пащенко. Лучшие компьютерные программы для пользователя
Жан де Лабрюйер. Характеры
Е. В. Селезнева. Я познаю мир: Психология
Сюзанна Энок. Неисправимый повеса
Энтони Мэйсон. Брюссель и Брюгге, Антверпен и Гент.
Диагностика и лечение в кардиологии. В учебном пособии изложена в краткой и
Сидни Шелдон. Если наступит завтра
Поиск людей
Новочебоксарск, Щёлково, Астрахань, Сургут, Рыбинск, Улан-Удэ, Иркутск, НижнийНовгород, Королёв, Прокопьевск, Одинцово, Стерлитамак, Томск, Элиста, Оренбург, Волгодонск, Киселёвск, Новомосковск,
Документальный кинематограф| Джаз| Новая история (XVII вв. -1917 гг.)| Общее языкознание|
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