Kenneth Lantz

The Dostoevsky Encyclopedia

Book DescriptionOne of the greatest writers of all time, Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) is best known for such masterpieces as Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov. His works are widely read and studied today, but they are also difficult...

Kim Schroeder

Glad to be Mad : Poems Verging on Sanity

Book DescriptionGo on. I dare you. Take a peek. Perhaps you will find yourself, or someone you know. Be glad. You share this madness with that person standing next to you, or the one sitting beside you and even the one that society has trussed up in...

James L. Dickerson

The Fabulous Vaughan Brothers : Jimmie and Stevie Ray

Book DescriptionThe Fabulous Vaughan Brothers follows the two brothers from their modest Dallas roots to their emergence onto the Austin music scene. The brothers' subsequent recording experiences in Memphis--which the author sees as being crucial...

Henryk Hoffmann

Western Film Highlights: The Best of the West, 1914-2001

Book DescriptionWesterns have perhaps had their heyday, but they do remain popular. The greatest films from 1914, when The Squaw Man, The Virginian, Salomy Jane, The Spoilers, The Rose of the Rancho and Chip of the Flying U were the...

Edwin M., Jr. Yoder

Telling Others What To Think: Recollections Of A Pundit (Politics@media)

Book DescriptionA Pulitzer Prize?winning editorialist and a former syndicated columnist, Edwin M. Yoder Jr. spent forty years as a newspaper journalist. Telling Others What to Think, he writes, is about "an education in its broadest sense," the...

Susan Chernak McElroy

All My Relations: Living with Animals As Teachers and Healers

Book DescriptionSusan Chernak McElroy, author of the New York Times bestseller Animals As Healers and Teachers, has long believed that animals offer solace as well as lessons in living to anyone willing to listen. In her bestseller Animals As...

Will Johnson

The Sailfish and the Sacred Mountain : Passages in the Lives of a Father and Son

Book Description The Sailfish and the Sacred Mountain presents a unique view into how we can create the circumstances that invite profound spiritual awakenings to occur in our lives. Part spiritual travelogue, part personal memoir, Will...

Scott MacGillivray

Castle Films : A Hobbyist's Guide (N)

Book DescriptionDo you remember the first movie you ever owned? It was probably a product of Castle Films. Before home video, Castle Films made every living room a screening room. For four decades the 16mm and 8mm film products of Castle...

Icon Health Publications

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age

Book DescriptionThis sourcebook has been created for patients who have decided to make education and Internet-based research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health...


Nirvana - The Lyrics

This insightful book presents the lyrics to 67 songs, including all of their commercial releases, plus all B sides and selected rare cuts....

Лихейн Дэннис

Дай мне руку, тьма

Дело, за которое берутся Патрик Кензи и Анджела Дженнаро - частные детективы из Бостона, - не из легких. Психиатр Дайандра Уоррен и ее сын-студент таинственным образом навлекли на себя гнев киллера ирландской мафии и нуждаются в защите....

<<<  Алан Пиз, Барбара Пиз. Новый язык телодвижений. Расширенная версия             Carl Kester, Jr., William E. Fruhan, Thomas R Piper, Richard Ruback. ... >>>

Гогле Примерные билеты и ответы по химии для подготовки к Русские былины (аудиокнига MP3). Память русского народа хранит былины - Геннадий Малахов. Голодание и здоровье Поиск работы KMFDM: Strum and drang four 2002. Tracks: Почта.ру Н. Г. Каменева, В. А. Поляков. Маркетинговые Patricia Malone. Lady Ilena: Way of the Warrior Кен Кизи. Над кукушкиным гнездом. Гаражная распродажа Статистика Erik Berglof, Andrei Kunov, Julia Shvets, Ksenia Yudaeva, Tsentr Ekonomicheskikh ДМОЗ Наталия Ахмадеева. Вера в чудеса и немного расчета Нигма
Альметьевск, Саранск, Курск, Пенза, Владивосток, Сочи, Тобольск, Жуковский, Улан-Удэ, Коломна, Таганрог, Артём, Курск, Южно-Сахалинск, Новороссийск, Самара, Екатеринбург, Черкесск, Великие Луки, Электросталь, Нефтекамск, Набережные Челны, Новотроицк, Невинномысск, Красноярск, Пенза, Уссурийск, Пермь, Липецк, Нефтекамск, Нефтекамск,
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