А. Нортон

Колдовской мир

Издание 1992 года. Сохранность хорошая. В сборник включены 5, 6, 7, 8 книги цикла "Колдовской мир". Все романы публикуются на русском языке впервые....

Jim Tomlinson

Government and the Enterprise Since 1900: The Changing Problem of Efficiency

Surveying governmental industrial policy in Britain, James Tomlinson explores the perennial concern of government to improve the efficiency and the competitiveness of British industry. Organized chronologically, the book focuses on the formation of...

Mansel G. Blackford

Fragile Paradise: The Impact of Tourism on Maui, 1959-2000

With its white sandy beaches, lush green uplands, and near-perfect weather, the Hawaiian island of Maui is more than a picture postcard: it is a multi-million-dollar tourist attraction that repeatedly has been voted "best island in the world" by ...

Edward Sherwood Meade

Trust Finance: A Study of the Genesis, Organization, and Management of Industrial Combinations

Originally published in 1903, at the height of the "trust era," Professor Meade of the then Wharton School of Finance and Economy, examined the trust question from the viewpoint of financial management. In the preface he says: "Recent discussions...

Guido J. Deboeck, Teuvo Kohonen, Guido Deboeck

Visual Explorations in Finance: With Self-Organizing Maps (Springer Finance)

Self-organizing maps (SOM) have proven to be of significant economic value in the areas of finance, economic and marketing applications. As a result, this area is rapidly becoming a non-academic technology. This book looks at near state-of-the-art...

Barry Eichengreen, Jeffry A. Frieden

The Political Economy of European Monetary Integration

The book integrates political and economic analysis of Europe's Economic and Monetary Union in a format accessible to advanced undergraduates and graduate students. As Europe moves toward economic integration, the problems underlying the...

Nancy J. Friedman

Telephone Skills from A to Z: The Telephone "Doctor" Phone Book (Fifty-Minute Series Book)

Your company's reputation is on the line--literally. Make good phone skills a standard throughout your organization with this practical guide to the basics. Teaches everyone how to adopt a professional, friendly tone from the initial greeting to the...

Marty Nemko, Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards

Cool Careers for Dummies

Sure, some people enter preschool knowing what they want to be when they grow up. But most of us aren't so lucky, and we don't get much help. Some parents say things like, "It's your life, you decide." Other parents go to the other extreme,...

Liberating the Corporate Soul : Building a Visionary Organization

The two most critical issues for business today, according to CEO's Barrett has worked with, are: "How to tap the deepest levels of creativity and the highest levels of productivity of our employees." In a world where competition has become global,...

Peter H. J. Essers, Paul A. Flutsch, Manon A. Ultee

Environmental Policy and Direct Taxation in Europe

This work examines the extent to which income taxation is influenced by the issue of environmental protection in EU Member States. Reports from seven countries belonging to the EUCOTAX (European Universities Cooperating on Taxes) network -- Belgium,...

Hannu Nurmi

Voting Procedures under Uncertainty

This book deals with how uncertainty can be dealt with in models of voting procedures. Using the recent U.S. presidential elections as an example, it demonstrates the extremely large variation in voter opinions that would have resulted in the same...

<<<  Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий. Обитаемый остров. ...             Carl Kester, Jr., William E. Fruhan, Thomas R Piper, Richard Ruback. ... >>>

Поиск работы ДМОЗ Галина Левашева. Рассказы из музыкальной шкатулки Paul Sanghera. Sun (R) Certified System Administrator Уильям Шекспир. Макбет. Антоний и Клеопатра. Номерной экземпляр Наталья Иртенина. Зов лабиринта Я. Н. Нерсесов. Они определяли моду Дж. Харрисон, Дж. Уайнер, Дж. Таннер, Н. Барникот. Дипломатический словарь. В двух томах. Москва, 1948. Государственное Стен Папелл. Посланец старейшин П. Р. Фурман. Александр Васильевич Суворов-Рымникский Каталог софта А. Г. Телегина. Человековедение. Физика информационных Corinna Dean. The Inspired Retail Space: Attract Robert L. Miller, Ciaran Acton, Deirdre A. Fullerton, John Maltby. Борис Тумасов. Гурко. Под стягом Российской империи Александр Дюма. Три мушкетера В. Р. Захарьин. Счет 26 "Общехозяйственные расходы". Корбина Краткий курс истории для школьников. Том истории посвящен весьма напряженному Алексей Санаев. Русский пиар в бизнесе и политике Yeraswork Admassie, Yeraswork Admassie. Twenty Years to Nowhere: Property
Йошкар-Ола, Казань, Новотроицк, Улан-Удэ, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Сызрань, Орёл, Магнитогорск, Балаково, Димитровград, Кызыл, Златоуст, Березники, Самара, Тверь,
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