James Swallow

The Butterfly Effect

Book DescriptionStruggling with the psychological effects of his repressed childhood memories, a young man devises a technique of traveling back in time to inhabit his childhood body. As he attempts to mend the broken lives of those closest to him,...

Thomas L. Schumacher

The Danteum

Book DescriptionIn 1938, Mussolini's Fascist government commissioned the team of Giuseppe Terragni and Pietro Lingeri to design the Danteum, a "temple to the greatest of Italian poets." In this acclaimed book, Thomas Shumacher traces Terragni's...

Mary Plummer

Apple Training Series : GarageBand 2 (Apple Training)

Book DescriptionNow that you can record eight simultaneous tracks with it, GarageBand 2 really does turn your Mac into a full-featured recording studio. To start taking advantage of it immediately, you (and your band-mates) need this Apple-certified...

Toni Morrison

Sula (Vintage International)

Book DescriptionTwo girls who grow up to become women. Two friends who become something worse than enemies. In this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison tells the story of Nel Wright and Sula Peace, who meet as children in the small town of...

Ian Jack

Granta 88: Mothers (Granta Magazine)

Book DescriptionGranta 88 features John McGahern on his mother's struggle for health and happiness in Catholic Ireland; Edmund White on his mother's battle with the girdle in Texas; Alexandra Fuller on bearing a child in Africa; and Paul Theroux on...

Insight into Images: Principles and Practice for Segmentation, Registration, and Image Analysis

Book DescriptionAn introduction to the theory of modern medical image processing, including the analysis of data from - X-ray computer tomography, - magnetic resonance imaging, - nuclear medicine, - and ultrasound. Using an algorithmic...

Bill Cosby

Cosbyology: Essays and Observations from the Doctor of Comedy (Thorndike Press Large Print Basic Series)

Book Description Now in paperback, the national bestseller from the funniest man in America, who looks back at his life . . . bit by bit. With more than 200,000 hardcover copies in print, Bill Cosby's Cosbyology has landed on...

Don McGregor

Zorro #1: Scars! (Zorro)

Book DescriptionJust as the new movie with Banderas and Zeta-Jones comes out, here is Zorro back in comics with a new graphic novel every 3 months! And an epic adventure it is, featuring deadly battles with fierce new foes and intense romance with a...

Stephen R. Covey

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

In the more than fifteen years since its publication, the classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has become an international phenomenon with over fifteen million copies sold. Tens of millions of people in business, government,...

Дмитрий Емец

Мефодий Буслаев. Месть валькирий

"Валькирия не может полюбить. Валькирия обязана принять вызов, кем бы он ни был брошен. Никто из встречавших валькирию прежде никогда не узнает ее. Иначе тайна защитит себя сама, и всякий услышавший ее умрет. Валькирию-ослушницу ждет суд...

В. Л. Абрамов

На ратных дорогах

Без малого три тысячи дней провел Василий Леонтьевич Абрамов на фронтах. Он участвовал в трех войнах - империалистической, гражданской и Великой Отечественной. Его воспоминания - правдивый рассказ о виденном и пережитом. Значительная часть книги...

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