И. А. Алексеева , И. Г. Новосельский

Жестокое обращение с ребенком. Причины. Последствия. Помощь

Книга является обобщением опыта практической работы команды специалистов - психологов, врачей, социальных работников, педагогов, - оказывающих помощь детям, пострадавшим от физического, эмоционального и сексуального насилия. Первая часть...

Mark Deacon

Inflation-indexed Securities : Bonds, Swaps and Other Derivatives (The Wiley Finance Series)

Book DescriptionThe global market for inflation-indexed securities has ballooned in recent years, and this trend is set to continue. This book examines the rationale behind issuance and investment decisions, and details the issues facing anyone who...

Jerome Coignard

Dream Palaces : The Last Royal Courts of Europe

Book DescriptionThroughout the 19th century, European royalty built extraordinary palaces to which they retreated from their "official" lives in St. Petersburg, Paris, Vienna, and elsewhere. This book offers a panorama of these fantastic estates,...

Marita Golden

Migrations of the Heart : An Autobiography

Book DescriptionIn her classic memoir, distinguished author, television executive, and activist Marita Golden beautifully recounts an astounding journey to Africa and back. Marita Golden was raised in Washington, D.C., by a mother who was a...

Elizabeth Denlinger

Before Victoria : Extraordinary Women of the British Romatic Era

Book Description Combining literary and cultural history, this richly illustrated volume brings back to life a remarkable, though frequently overlooked, group of women who transformed British culture during the Romantic era and inspired new ways...

Adam Beechen

Count on Me (American Dreams)

Book Description Meg Pryor's life has really changed. Her brother's been shipped off to Okinawa, she broke up with Luke, and she's dating a college guy, Drew. He's unlike anyone Meg's ever known. Well informed and socially conscious, Drew has...

Bob Colonna Ph.D.

Invisible Wars : One man's story of the invisible wars on the streets of America to the wars of Southeast Asia - Based on the journals of David Bell

Book Description This is a true story of one man's experience in the invisible wars of our nation's last 40 years. In the 1960s, David Bell was involved in the vicious gang wars that erupted in our urban ghettos; at the age of 17 he was ordered by...

Noble E. Cunningham

Jefferson and Monroe

Book DescriptionFrom the moment Governor Thomas Jefferson handpicked a young soldier named James Monroe to serve as an aide during the Revolutionary War, a vital friendship and political alliance was born. Beginning as sponsor and protAgA...

Srikanth Reddy

Facts for Visitors : Poems (New California Poetry)

Book DescriptionSpeaking in the wake of empire, of terrestrial love, and of the collapse of traditional literary forms, the protagonist of this collection of poetry reconstructs a world from the language of encyclopedias, instruction manuals, and...

Victor Pelevin

A Werewolf Problem in Central Russia and Other Stories

Russian writers tend to gravitate toward either Tolstoyan gravity or Gogol's brand of feather-light fabulism. Victor Pelevin, the author of four previous books, most definitely belongs in the latter camp. His work may be grounded in the grubby...

Библия для детей. Священная История в простых рассказах для чтения в школе и дома

Читая библию, мы изучаем историю, постигаем тайны сотворения мира и человека. Из Библии мы узнаем благую весть о спасении мира Господом Иисусом Христом. Библия делится на две части, которые называются ветхий Завет и Новый Завет. В Ветхом...

<<<  Дж. Малоун. Нераскрытые тайны природы             Carl Kester, Jr., William E. Fruhan, Thomas R Piper, Richard Ruback. ... >>>

Алессандро Барикко. Море-океан (аудиокнига на 7 CD) В. В. Глущенко, И. И. Глущенко. Исследование систем Каталог софта The Super Spider (Spider-Man). Book Description Two 8x8 storybooks Bruce Potter, Bob Fleck. 802.11 Security QIP.ру Надежда Бабкина и ансамбль "Русская песня". CD 2 (mp3). В Гель-лифтинг "Виноград и сосна". Пробуждает и тонизирует кожу Миксер Tefal 8143 с вращающейся чашей. Мощность 200 Вт А. П. Чехов. А. П. Чехов. Собрание сочинений CSO/SOLTI. BEET:9SYMPHONIES. Исполнитель: CSO/SOLTI Альбом: Сергей Болмат. Близкие люди МТС М. Ю. Снежинская. Зри в корень Из рук в руки Статистика РБК
Волгоград, Дербент, Благовещенск, Елец, Подольск, Невинномысск, Подольск, Пенза, Ростов-на-Дону, Нижневартовск, Камышин, Москва , Архангельск, Калининград, Краснодар, Астрахань, Серпухов,
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