Worldwatch Institute, The Worldwatch Institute

State of the World 2003

In State of the World 2003 , the Worldwatch Institute's award-winning research team provides concerned citizens and national leaders with comprehensive analysis of the global environmental problems we face, together with detailed descriptions...

Brett Sheehan

Trust in Troubled Times: Money, Banks, and State-Society Relations in Republican Tianjin

This timely book traces the development of banking and paper money in republican Tianjin in order to explore the creation of social trust in financial institutions. Framing the study around Bian Baimei, a conscientious branch manager of the Bank of...

Jens O. Riis, Riitta Smeds, Rik Van Landeghem, Ifip Tc5, Wg 5.7 Special Interest Group on Integrated Production Manage, European Group of University Teachers for Industrial Management

Games in Operations Management

Learning has become a constant state of mind for most professionals in today's organizations. However, to become a true learning enterprise, organizations cannot stop at instilling this yearning for knowledge into their collaborators. They must also...

Robert B. Maddux

Delegating for Results (Fifty Minute Series)

What's the biggest weakness of most managers? The inability to delegate effectively. Get the basics of this essential skill in the revised best seller. Exercises and worksheets help you evaluate your current skills, easily identify the problems, and...

C. Richard Weylman

Opening Closed Doors: Keys To Reaching Hard-To-Reach People

Endless Prospects gives salespeople 301 proven tips and strategies for prospecting, marketing, and increasing their business. Weylman shows frustrated marketers how to open closed doors, approach the right people in the right way, and reach those...

Rae Pica

Moving and Learning Series: Toddlers

PERFECT FOR CHILDCARE EDUCATORS, CARE GIVERS AND STUDENTS ALIKE! Moving and Learning Series: Toddlers creatively incorporates movement into a toddlers environment, and is comprehensively outlined for pre-service and in-service teachers and child...

Jay Heizer, Barry Render

Operations Management Flexible Version Package (7th Edition)

Provides a state-of-the-art overview of operations management. Operations and productivity; project management; inventory management; design and quality managment of goods and services; e-commerce and operations management; human resources and job...

April J. Wells

Oracle 11i E-Business Suite from the Front Lines

Oracle11i is a complex set of programs. Most information in print is buried and difficult to sift through--there are tens of thousands of pages in the Oracle manuals alone. Oracle Apps11i from the Front Lines is the first book to compile in one...

Icon Health Publications

Hydrangea: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Steven Holtzman


Gravity-defying sculptures that can only exist in interactive opera in which members of the audience become part of the performance...fractal images that rival nature's greatest masterpieces. Digital Mosaics is the first...

Майк Гейл


Джим и Элисон познакомились в университете и возникшее между ними чувство пронесли через годы взросления. Казалось, ничто не сможет разрушить их брак. Но в один прекрасный день они... расстаются. И вот три года спустя, когда кот и диван давно...

<<<  Лилиан Гласс. Как достичь взаимопонимания между мужчиной и женщиной             Carl Kester, Jr., William E. Fruhan, Thomas R Piper, Richard Ruback. ... >>>

Поиск мета Знакомства Нил Доналд Уолш. Чего хочет Бог. Убедительный ответ Зимушка-Зима. Сборник мультфильмов. Сборник отечественных мультфильмов. Содержание: F. Peter W. Winteringham. Energy Use and the Environment Дуги Бримсон. Фанаты Надежда Мандельштам. Надежда Мандельштам. Воспоминания. В 2 Газета.ру Владимир Кузнецов, Сергей Засорин. 1С:Бухгалтерия. Практика налогового учета Русское радио Кавалер Золотой Звезды. Сергей Бондарчук ("Адмирал Ушаков"), Николай Гриценко KMFDM. Adios. "Adios" (1999) стал последним диском индустриальщиков ЖЖ О компьютерах Работа Хозяин острова О'Киф. Берт Ланкастер Поиск людей О компьютерах Дебора Грейс. Массаж от А до Я
Ростов-на-Дону, Березники, Волгоград, Рыбинск, Новочебоксарск, Каменск-Уральский, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Стерлитамак, Владимир, Омск, Пенза, Абакан, Артём, Прокопьевск, Северск, Новокуйбышевск, Брянск, Великие Луки,
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