John Hedgecoe

How To Take Great Photographs

Book Description Bring a master photographer and best-selling author into your home for a "back-to-basics" course on practical photography. This unique series of hands-on exercises, illustrated with more than 200 of John Hedgecoe's superb...

Alicia Lyons

First Woman President

Book DescriptionA historical diary of events that have yet to happen. The First Woman President is an offbeat and thought-provoking account, told in her own words, of how America's first female Commander-in-Chief came to power, the beliefs and...

Neil Matthew

Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional)

Book Description PostgreSQL is one of the world’s most popular Open Source relational database systems. It is renowned for its wide range of capabilities, and its ability to perform functions not available in other databases. The forthcoming...

Barbara Youngberg

The Patient Safety Handbook

Book DescriptionIn the current climate of managed care, tight cost controls, limited resources, and the growing demand for health care services, conditions of errors are ripe. This book offer practical guidance on implementing systems and processes...

Hulk Hogan

Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Book Description You think you know Hollywood Hulk Hogan?? Brother, you don't know squat about me. Yeah, I'm the towering red-and-yellow warrior who revolutionized the wrestling business, the larger-than-life superhero who transformed an...

Virginia Woolf

A Room of One's Own (Annotated)

Book Description In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf imagines that Shakespeare had a sister: a sister equal to Shakespeare in talent, equal in genius, but whose legacy is radically different.This imaginary woman never writes a word and dies...

Golden Books

The Best of Barbie (Little Golden Book)

Book DescriptionBarbie is the best! This beautiful boxed set includes six of the most popular Barbie Little Golden Books ever. From the timeless classics— Cinderella, Thumbelina, Rapunzel, and The Nutcracker —to fun-filled...

Philip Wooderson

Trouble at the Mill (My Side of the Story)

Book DescriptionLizzy lives in a cramped mill worker"s cottage and toils at a loom for fifteen hours a day. Her childhood friend Josh is the mill owner"s son and leads a life of luxury. When Lizzy"s father becomes involved in the reform movement,...

Ли Фрост

Светофильтры в фотографии

Светофильтры - важнейшие вспомогательные инструменты фотографии, но с чего же начать при таком разнообразии типов и таком множестве бренд. Какие фильтры следует приобрести? Как получить наилучшие результаты? Книга "Светофильтры в фотографии" дает...

Reynaldo G. Alejandro

Authentic Recipes From The Philippines

Filipino food, influenced by over 300 years of Chinese, Hispanic and American culinary techniques, is one of the most vibrant and intriguing cuisines in Asia. A tantalizing concoction of textures, flavors and colors, these popular Filipino recipes...

Виктор Iванiв

Город Виноград

Повесть современного русского поэта Виктора Iванiва. Книга издана в авторской редакции....

<<<  В. Г. Петрович, Н. М. Петрович. Итоговый экзамен ...             Урсула Ле Гуин. Волшебник Земноморья >>>

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