Eric Julius

Live a Financially Healthy life : Generate income from Different sources Be debt free Create wealth Be financially secure And retire happy

Book DescriptionLive a Financially Healthy Life Most people really want to be rich, healthy and happy. I don't think all these are too much to ask? Do you? This book will give you the straight answers to most of the basic problems facing...

Ричард Фарсон, Ральф Кейес

Парадоксы лидерства

"Парадоксы лидерства" - вторая, написанная совместно с Ральфом Кейесом книга Ричарда Фарсона, автора знаменитого бестселлера "Менеджмент абсурда". Современная, быстро меняющаяся экономика требует новых подходов к управлению и отказа от...

Lucienne Roberts

In Sight: Guide to Design with Low Vision in Mind

Book DescriptionAs design absorbs the lesson of providing easy access to products and services for people with visual and physical impairments, the notion of "inclusive design" arrives at the top of the agenda; the idea that design should not cater...

Diane Shaw

City Building on the Eastern Frontier : Sorting the New Nineteenth-Century City (Creating the North American Landscape)

Book Description America's westward expansion involved more than pushing the frontier across the Mississippi toward the Pacific; it also consisted of urbanizing undeveloped regions of the colonial states. In 1810, New York's future governor DeWitt...

Ronald L. Peters

Edgework: Exploring the Psychology of Disease : A Manual for Healing Beyond Diet & Fitness

Book DescriptionEdgework provides a concise overview of the research on the mind/body, summarizing the essence of healing at the level of consciousness and guiding readers through the process with detailed exercises that make the concepts a personal...

The Book of Margery Kempe: Annotated Edition (Library of Medieval Women)

Book DescriptionThe Book of Margery Kempe, the earliest surviving autobiography in English (dated 1436-8), is a unique account of the extraordinary life, travels and revelations of a fifteenth-century Norfolk housewife and mother, pilgrim, prophet...

J-P Chanda

Ghoul Hunters (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Book Description The Turtles are furious! A shrieking ghoul has been scaring people and robbing valuables from banks, stores, and museums -- and the mayor wants to cancel Halloween! No one messes with the Turtles' favorite holiday, so...


Yanni in Words

Book DescriptionYanni is practically a force of nature. With global sales of over 20 million albums, 35 gold and platinum awards, and a fan base of untold millions in nearly every corner of the world, this self-taught musician and composer has...

Health Research in Developing Countries : A collaboration between Burkina Faso and Germany

Book DescriptionHealth research in developing countries has many facets. On one side, malaria and AIDS as main causes of morbidity and mortality are a focus for clinical and epidemiological studies. On the other side, the need for improving the...

T. Byron Kelly

Project End Of Days : Selected Poems

Book Description I find connectedness through various forms(poetry, painting, music) by insisting on spontaneity. An image that I paint could very well become a chorus in a song. Paying close attention to my dreams and the soft voices inside my...

Omar Vizquel

Omar!: My Life on and Off the Field

Book Description* Now in paperback * A new Postscript by the author comments on the 2002 baseball season, off-season changes for the Indians, and the controversial responses to the hardcover edition of Omar! from Albert Belle and Jose Mesa. Four...

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Autodesk AutoCAD 2008. Официальная русская версия. Данный обучающий Р. М. Болл, Дж. Х. Коннел, Ш. Панканти, Н. К. Ратха, Большая медицинская энциклопедия диагностики. Stephen C. Payne, Robert Wipfel. Novell's Guide to Е. Е. Платонова. Русско-испанский словарь / Diccionario Агент майл.ру Ежегодник Императорских театров. Сезон 1899 - 1900 гг.. Издание Дирекции Tom Arnold. How I Lost 5 Pounds in 6 Years : An Autobiography
Абакан, Сургут, Калуга, Тамбов, Ставрополь, Волжский, Северодвинск, Тула, Черкесск,
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