Thomas L. Floyd

Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version (7th Edition)

This book provides an exceptionally clear introduction to DC/AC circuits supported by superior exercises, examples, and illustrations?and an emphasis on troubleshooting and applications. It features an exciting full color format which uses...

John Ross

HDTV and Video Systems Repair

HDTV and Video System Repair is a comprehensive reference for technicians and engineers on theoretical design and troubleshooting techniques for video system electronics including: HDTV (High Definition Television), LCD display technology, MP3...

George Paish, Josiah Stamp

Road to Prosperity

1927. Prior to the war, there was a sufficient balance and stability in economic affairs, for a competent economist or observer to have an informed and reasoned opinion upon the most important questions of his times. Today, there are separate...

Kathleen A. Laughlin

Women's Work and Public Policy: A History of the Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 1945-1970

For over seventy-five years, the Women's Bureau, a division of the U.S. Department of Labor, has played a major part in the struggle for equal rights. In this institutional history, Kathleen A. Laughlin offers the fullest account to date of the...

Lester C. Thurow

The Age of Economic Exploration; What Lies Beyond Capitalism? (Japanese Translation)

[This book is written in Japanese.] This book is one of the Tachibana Publishing Future Book Series (Japanese Edition), a series of books with the world’s leading futurists and social analysts. This series looks at future...

Lawrence A. Cunningham

What Is Value Investing?

What Is Value Investing? provides individual investors with an introduction to value investing, today's most talked-about yet misunderstood investing strategy. Lawrence Cunningham explores: How to quickly measure the value...

Jeff Garbus, Gary Tyrrell

Sybase Ase 12.5 High Availability (Jeffrey Garbus' Official Sybase Ase 12.5 Library)

High Availability is a very esoteric area of Sybase administration, yet a very critical topic for administrators working in a transaction-intensive environment, such as e-commerce, to understand. Sybase® ASE 12.5 High Availability explains how...

Robert H. Kamm

The Superman Syndrome: Why the Information Age Threatens Your Future

In this brilliantly provocative book, consultant Robert H. Kamm fires a warning shot across the bow of the Information Age. Through a compelling and profound interepretation of the myth of Superman, he shows how today's addictive high-speed...

Сара Дуглас


Тысячу долгих лет жили люди Ахара в мире и спокойствии - потому что защищали их землю высокие горы и стальная воля Сенешалей - воинов, в совершенстве постигших искусство "меча и магии". Но теперь настало время сбыться древнему, страшному...

Джей Стивенсон

Ангелы. Самый полный справочник. Полное руководство

Конечно, вы смотрели фильмы об ангелах, вы даже слышали что-то об ангелах-хранителях. Но когда вы получите настоящие знания об ангелах, вы почувствуете, как будто у вас выросли крылья. Эта книга даст вам исчерпывающее представление об...

Виктория Платова

Анук, mon amour...

Это - невозможно уместить в жанр детектива. Это - загадка на уровне чувств, ощущений, ассоциаций. Это - флер, возникающий иногда в голосах моря, песка, ветра... Это - безупречность формы и парадоксальность содержания. Это - язык,...

<<<  О. С. Иссерс, Н. А. Кузьмина. Тесты. Русский язык. Синтаксис ...             Урсула Ле Гуин. Волшебник Земноморья >>>

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