Б. Ю. Хигир

Тайна отчества

Новая книга Б.Ю.Хигира помогает заглянуть в глубины человеческой психики. "Более 30 лет занимаясь исследованиями психологии человека, я собрал большие статистические данные и пришел к вводу, что отчество человека неразрывно связано с его...

John H. Bowman

Taxation of Business Property: Is Uniformity Still a Valid Norm? (Praeger's National Tax Association)

This newest volume in Praeger's National Tax Association series examines the taxation of business property. Experts from the corporate and academic world address the crucial matters of: the changing business property tax base and its impact on local...

Andley Genus

The Management of Change: Perspectives and Practice

This is a practical introduction to the management of strategic change. The book takes an interdisciplinary perpective towards the application of relevant research and theory to the conduct of change in the real world. The author avoids on overly...

Clever Mumbengegwi

Macroeconomic and Structural Adjustment Policies in Zimbabwe (International Political Economy)

The essays in this book examine Zimbabwe's macroeconomic and structural adjustment experiences since independence. Part One analyzes the impact on economic growth, inflation, employment and labor markets. Part Two deals with financial...

Francis A. Lees, Edward B. Flowers

The Euro, Capital Markets, and Dollarization

The Euro, Capital Markets, and Dollarization describes the economic and capital market results of the institution of the single currency, the euro, in Europe after January 2000. This startling event appears to foreshadow increased capital market...

Debbe Kennedy, Sally K. Green, David H., General Ohle, Alan, Reverend Jones, Emily Duncan, Sue Swenson, Bert Bleke, J. T., Jr. Childs, Starting: Setting Direction, Defining Actions

Action Books (Diversity Breakthrough! Strategic Action Series-Set of Six Books)

It's the twenty-first century, and corporations and organizations everywhere are scrambling to implement diversity programs. But most of the current glut of books on this thorny topic are too weirdly technical, irritatingly New Age, or just plain...

Trevor Bounford

Digital Diagrams: How to Design and Present Statistical Information Effectively

Diagrams need never be boring again, thanks to this manual showing how to present statistics that carry the right message in a clear, visually entertaining way. Exploring the myriad ways to design diagrams, first the author explains how to assess...

Ajit Kambil, Eric Van Heck, E. Van Heck

Making Markets: How Firms Can Design and Profit from Online Auctions and Exchanges

Markets are transitioning from place to space-but as the collapse of the initial B2B boom demonstrated, the journey won't be easy. Pioneering market makers from eBay and British Petroleum to the Dutch Flower Auctions and ChemConnect are leading the...

Kenneth Kaoma Mwenda, Kenneth K. Mwenda

Banking and Micro-Finance Regulation and Supervision: Lessons from Zambia

This book examines contemporary legal and policy issues facing banking and micro-finance supervision and regulation in Zambia. The book sets out an interdisciplinary exposition of the law. It provides an interface of financial services law and...

William D. Perreault, E. Jerome McCarthy, Jr., William Perreault

Applications In Basic Marketing

This reader is revised annually and is packaged with every copy of the book for free. It contains articles and readings from popular sources like; Business Week, Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. The articles are sorted by chapter and coordinate with...

Shawn A. Greene

I'd Rather Have a Root Canal Than Do Cold Calling

Who says telemarketing has to be torture, or that you have to be pushy to succeed with it? This book teaches you how to cold call using a consultative style. Learn how to feel way more comfortable making cold calls and how to prevent the urge to...

<<<  Андреа Бархэм. Казалось бы, а нет... Самые достоверные знания, ...             Г. Г. Харди, В. В. Рогозинский. Ряды Фурье >>>

Л. Ю. Лупоядова, В. Н. Лупоядов. В гостях Яндекс Иоганн Висс. Робинзоны Владимир Набоков. Лолита Вакансии Поиск майл.ру Путешествия Nelarine Cornelius. Building Workplace Equality: Ethics, Diversity МСН Михаил Задорнов. Вверх ногами Поиск людей Все о Линукс О компьютерах Гого Транслит Провинциальный игрок 2. Перед вами - вторая часть культового квеста Фото
Самара, Благовещенск, Бийск, Элиста, Ижевск, Братск, Самара, Мытищи, Саратов, Нальчик, Хабаровск, Северск, Ухта, Северск, Уссурийск, Копейск, Калуга,
Зарубежные писатели| Радиоэлектроника, радиотехника, связь| Биографии композиторов| Документальный кинематограф| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич| Курсы и учебные пособия иностранных издательств| Антивирусы других производителей| Обучающие видеопрограммы для детей| Мистические триллеры| Курсы иностранных языков| Административное право| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Суд. Адвокатура. Правоохранительные органы| Классический зарубежный детектив| Борьба и восточные единоборства| Общество, история| Художественная литература| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Обучающие программы для детей| Риторика. Ораторское искусство| Фантастические боевики| Электросвязь, электроакустика, радиосвязь|
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