Лиллиан Гласс

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Вы завидуете телепатам? Вы хотите познать мир другого человека и научиться читать его мысли? Для этого вовсе не обязательно обладать сверхъестественными способностями! Прочитайте книгу знаменитого психолога Лиллиан Гласс - и вы...

Ганс Фриснер

Проигранные сражения

Издание 1966 года. Сохранность удовлетворительная. Книга представляет собой мемуары бывшего генерал-полковника фашистского вермахта, командовавшего в 1944 году группами армий "Север" и "Южная Украина"....

Bruce Campbell, Bruce Campbell

Listening To Your Donors

What do your donors need? How can you win their support? For the nonprofit seeking to improve programs and increase fundraising, this book provides a step-by-step guide to listening to the needs of your donors through effective survey research....

Ronald R. Sims

Changing the Way We Manage Change

To cope with the chaotic new business environment, organizations must find ways to manage the problems of change--but also the process of change itself. Yesterday's solutions are obsolete. Innovative solutions are rare, yet even the best require not...

Karl Case, Ray C. Fair

Principles of Macroeconomics with ActiveEcon CD (6th Edition)

Written by two highly respected economists and educators, the book uses the ?Stories, Graphs, and Equations ? approach to make economic concepts accessible and relevant to readers with various learning styles. It is known...

Bruno S. Frey, Alois Stutzer

Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being.

Curiously, economists, whose discipline has much to do with human well-being, have shied away from factoring the study of happiness into their work. Happiness, they might say, is an ''unscientific'' concept. This is the first book to establish...

Sandra Lauderdale Graham

House and Street : The Domestic World of Servants and Masters in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro

Social and feminist historians will certainly applaud the sensitivity with which this book unveils the duress of servants' working and living conditions without neglecting to portray human endurance and individual or collective resistance to...

Performance Measurement and Management Control : A Compendium of Research (Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting, 12)

The fields of performance measurement and management control have changed dramatically in recent years. Industry has recognized the importance of the implementation and coordination of strategy with organizational structure, management systems, and...

The Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks

Verna Allee, whose groundbreaking book 'The Knowledge Evolution' helped usher in the exploding field of knowledge management, has brought her experience-tested insights into an exciting new synthesis, penetrating to the very heart of value creation....

Jamie Rines Jones

Braids & Updos Made Easy

This is the essential reference for students and experienced hairstylists looking for a how-to manual on the latest braids and updos. Learn to take the frustration out of working with long hair by the use of hand-positioning and methods for...

Frank Cook

21 Things I Wish My Broker Had Told Me : Practical Advice for New Real Estate Professionals.

Written with humor and insight, 21 Things I Wish My Broker Had Told Me provides hands on advice that will help agents start, or maintain, a sucessful career in real estate. This has real life stories from dozens of sucessful, top...

<<<  Сергей Алексеев. Роковой срок             В. Д. Кулиев. Сингулярные краевые задачи >>>

Thomas Cottier, Petros C. Mavroidis, Patrick Blatter, Поиск работы Н. Ф. Дик. Веселые классные часы во 2-3 классах Norman Mailer. Modest Gifts : Poems and Drawings РБК Все о Линукс Работа Phil Metzger. Pencil Magic: Landscape Drawing Эжен Сю. Агасфер (аудиокнига MP3 на 4 CD) Бесплатные объявления James Bandler. How to Use Financial Statements: A Guide to Understanding
Армавир, Мурманск, Коломна, Муром, Санкт-Петербург, Уссурийск, Набережные Челны,
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