William C. Johnson

Superior Customer Value in the New Economy: Concepts and Cases, Second Edition

Book DescriptionWhile the dot.com bubble has burst since the publication of the first edition, the Internet has re-emerged as a valuable tool for business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and consumer-to-consumer enterprises. This Second Edition...

Stuart A. McCrary

Hedge Fund Course (Wiley Finance)

Book DescriptionA self-study course that reviews the technical and quantitative knowledge necessary to properly manage a hedge fund Today, traditional asset managers are looking to develop their own hedge funds as alternative offerings to...

Renee Dickason

British Television Advertising : Cultural Identity and Communication

Book DescriptionThis study examines the relationship of television advertising to cultural identity by exploring how advertisements are a reflection of the society for which they are produced and how varying images and ideas are conveyed by...

Как пить водку

Самая русская из русских водок "Матрешка" представляет новое издание - "Как пить водку". Книга освещает основные моменты истории исконно русского напитка, отвечает на вопрос "почему только водка из России есть настоящая водка?", рассматривает...

Outhouses 2005 Calendar

Book DescriptionSherman Hines was born in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, and although outhouses did not occupy a mandatory place in his early years, a deep affinity for them was developed at Grandma's house. This outhouse was located over Meadow Pond brook...

Vicki Rackner

Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series: Heart Disease (Chicken Soup for the Soul, Healthy Living Series)

Book Description Endorsed and supported by the Hope Heart Institute! This new series from Chicken Soup for the Soul - inspirational stories followed by positive, practical medical advice for caregivers and patients - is the perfect blend...

Ralph J. Argen MD FACP FACR

Arthritis what is it? : Decades of Diagnosis and Management with an exciting future

Book Description ARTHRITIS what is it? Represents 5 decades of management and treatment of arthritis with an exciting future. Ralph J. Argen, MD. has forty-five years of clinical experience treating arthritis writes for patients and medical...

Eugenio De Andrade

Forbidden Words: Selected Poetry of Eugenio de Andrade

Book DescriptionAward-winning poetry in a bilingual edition, by Portugal's best-known living poet. Eugenio de Andrade is the author of twenty-nine volumes of poetry as well as numerous children's books, collections of prose writings, and...

Marjorie Pivar

Fourth Uncle in the Mountain : A Memoir of a Barefoot Doctor in Vietnam

Book Description Set during the French and American wars, Fourth Uncle in the Mountain is a true story about an orphan, Quang Van Nguyen, who is adopted by a sixty-four year old monk, Thau, who carries great responsibility for his people...

June Sawyers

The Best in Rock Fiction

Book DescriptionRock has dominated radio, TV, movies, and even the Internet in our media-savvy lives, but its impact on the literary world has often been overlooked. This collection features today's finest writers, including Sherman Alexie, Madison...

William Sampson

Confessions of an Innocent Man : Torture and Survival In a Saudi Prison

Book Description"What was it that I did to survive? Where did those ideas come from? Where did I find the resolve to enact them? At the time of my release, I had no ready answers beyond that I did what seemed natural and necessary. In looking back,...

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