Наталия Рязанцева

Не говори маме

В книгу известного кинодраматурга Наталии Рязанцевой, "одной из самых замкнутых и сдержанных женщин российского кинематографа" (Д.Быков), автора сценариев к фильмам "Чужие письма", "Долгие проводы", "Голос", "Портрет жены художника" вошли...

Большая книга судоку

В России появилась уникальная игра-головоломка, не имеющая равных по увлекательности и пользе для ума. Судоку - сегодня самая популярная в мире игра, число поклонников которой растет не по дням, а по часам. Это веселая, динамичная,...

Edmund Terence Gomez

Chinese Enterprise, Transnationalism and Identity (Chinese Worlds)

Book DescriptionThe book examines the variety of issues surrounding Chinese enterprise development from national and transnational perspectives, starting with the role played by Chinese entrepreneurs in the 1997 Asian financial crisis....

Michael R. Caputo

Foundations of Dynamic Economic Analysis : Optimal Control Theory and Applications

Book DescriptionPresenting a thorough introductory exposition of optimal control theory, this work differs from the existing textbooks on the subject due to its emphasis on the economic interpretation of the mathematics and the qualitative...

Foundations of Social Capital

Book DescriptionFew social scientific concepts have gathered so much attention and so many followers in such a short period of time as the concept of social capital. The purpose of this authoritative volume is to review the foundations for this fast...

Linda Merrill

After Whistler: The Artist and His Influence on American Painting

Book DescriptionJames McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) left the United States for Europe at the age of twenty-one, never to return, and his style developed independently of American art currents. Nonetheless, he left an indelible mark on the art of his...

Henry D. Wingfield

Imagine Art

Imagine Art is a creative exploration of your own imagination.... I cannot draw with any skill or accuracy, and my abstract painting comes out a sheer mess. But I still need you to see the images in my mind, as if you were being swept away by...

Jeremy Clarke


Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are brief, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert opinions, each book has all the key information you need to know about such popular topics as film, television, cult...

Ernest Thompson Seton

Western Animal Heroes

Book DescriptionNaturalist Ernest Thompson Seton created a new literary form when he began writing stories about his adventures with wild animals in the 1890s. His first stories were compiled in the book, "Wild Animals I Have Known," that became...

Lucia Sera

A Boatload of Idioms

Book DescriptionIdioms are often described as the spice of a language because of the colorful way they can sum up an idea (for example, "mad as a hornet" is an illustrative, yet simple expression to show anger). However, idioms can be one of the...

Nancy Kennedy

Praying with Women of the Bible

Book DescriptionWith her characteristic light-hearted, upbeat style, author Nancy Kennedy explores the life and prayer of Deborah and nine other biblical women and offers a reader in any stage of her Christian walk encouragement, that she can...

<<<  J. Hank Rainwater. Herding Cats: A Primer for Programmers ...             Теодор Драйзер. Теодор Драйзер. Собрание сочинений в двенадцати ... >>>

Шапочка для плавания "VIEW" (NBL), силиконовая. Шапочка МСН Рептилии и амфибии. Благодаря современнейшей технологии О. С. Сатановская. La France a travers sa langue Из рук в руки Пуаро: Выпуск 5. Приключения кухарки из Клепхема. Убийство в Мьюзе. Дэвид Сотовый. Ким Бэйсингер ("Дверь в полу"), Юрий Погуляй. Именем Горна? Самые лучшие методики воспитания ребенка. Дети - наше будущее! И никому не Правила карточных игр. Настоящее издание является первым Рейтинг Философия борьбы: Айкидо. Айкидо - это не философия. ЖЖ Rio Bahia Carnival. CD1 features "marchinhas", "sambas-de-bloco", a passport
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