Janet L. Abu-Lughod

Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350

In this important study, Abu-Lughod presents a groundbreaking reinterpretation of global economic evolution, arguing that the modern world economy had its roots not in the sixteenth century, as is widely supposed, but in the thirteenth century...

Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, John Christensen

Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results

?Tiene algo que ofrecer un mercado callejero a una multinacional con problemas? Mary Jane, una ejecutiva de esa empresa, descubrira que si, y mucho. El departamento en que ella trabaja es temido y odiado por todos los demas...

James Tobin

Two Revolutions in Economic Policy: The First Economic Reports of Presidents Kennedy and Reagan

The juxtaposition of Kennedy and Reagan approaches to economic problems is particularly instructive in that they express the two major - and quite different - approaches of macroeconomic policy in the past three decades: the 1962 Kennedy Camelot...

Christopher M. Avery, Meri Aaron Walker, Erin O'Toole Murphy

Teamwork Is an Individual Skill: Getting Your Work Done When Sharing Responsibility

Becoming skilled at doing more with others may be the single most important thing you can do to ensure that you remain employed in the emerging knowledge economy. Teamwork Is an Individual Skill offers best practices, tips, and...

Sharon Clarke, Cary L. Cooper

Managing the Risk of Workplace Stress: Health and Safety Hazards

This book takes a risk management approach to stress evaluation in the workplace, offering practical guidelines for the audit, assessment and mitigation of workplace stressors and providing a comprehensive source of theoretical and practical...

Jerry Smith, Mike Carrell, Peggy A. Golden

Collective Bargaining Simulated (4th Edition)

This simulation puts users in the position of re- negotiating a labor agreement for a major metals corporation. By analyzing the company's history and financial statements, the current labor agreement, the union and its current relationship with...

Supergrowth Companies : Entrepreneurs in Action

Supergrowth Companies is based on extensive research following the progress of over 200 businesses, including Anita Roddick and The Body Shop and Alan Sugar and Amstrad. It features interviews with company executives and a collection of over fifty...

Steven Miles

Consumerism: As a Way of Life

This book provides an introduction to the historical and theoretical foundations of consumerism. It then moves on to examine the experience of consumption in the areas of space and place, technology, fashion, `popular' music and sport. Throughout,...

Elizabeth Eisner Reding

Building an E-Business: From the Ground Up

Building an E-Business: From the Ground Up is an "e-commerce" book that moves beyond a survey atmosphere to provide hands on experience. It is designed specifically for those who want to develop web skills and business plans for use in starting an...

Thomas Frank, Tom Frank, David Mulcahey, Dave Mulcahey, Studs Terkel

Boob Jubilee: The Mad Cultural Politics of the New Economy: Salvos from the Baffler

Book DescriptionSalvos of sane and humorous dissent from the worship of the almighty market. For a magazine dedicated to debunking the nation's business culture, the final years of the twentieth century overflowed with bounty. "It was the most...

Брент Уэлш, Кен Джонс, Джеффри Хоббс

Практическое программирование на Tcl и Tk (+ CD-ROM)

В этой книге рассматривается широкий спектр вопросов, связанных с применением языка Tcl и расширения Tk. Здесь обсуждаются базовые средства составления Tcl-программ, динамическая генерация команд, использование регулярных выражений, ввод-вывод,...

<<<  Шри Шри Рави Шанкар. Сила тишины             Теодор Драйзер. Теодор Драйзер. Собрание сочинений в двенадцати ... >>>

Вики Андрей Анпилов. Парусники птицы острова. АНДРЕЙ А. А. Инджиев. 350 упражнений по основным правилам русского языка Helen N. Rothberg. From Knowledge to Транслит ДМОЗ Рефераты Каталог софта Каталог софта Последний контракт. У нее не женская работа... Чат Герман Гессе. Игра в бисер Davira Taragin. Women's Tales: Four Leading Israeli Jewelers Погода Кошкин дом. Книжка-игрушка с вырубкой. Транслит
Ростов-на-Дону, Майкоп, Йошкар-Ола, Северодвинск, Хасавюрт, Чебоксары, Орёл, Новошахтинск, Иваново, Питер, Ставрополь, Курск, Невинномысск, Владикавказ, Прокопьевск, Ачинск, Якутск, Ачинск, Новомосковск, Ногинск, Подольск, Архангельск, Саранск, Киров, Березники, Копейск,
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