Glenn R. Koller

Risk Modeling for Determining Value and Decision Making

Risk or uncertainty assessments are used as aids to decision making in nearly every aspect of business, education, and government. As a follow-up to the author's bestselling Risk Assessment and Decision Making in Business and Industry: A Practical...

James J Hill

Highways of Progress

From the time he was 18 in St. Paul, James J. Hill (1838-1916) dreamed of a ship and rail bridge to the riches of the mysterious Orient. Through a succession of jobs, he absorbed every detail of moving goods by land and by water, which contributed...

Geoffrey C. Bowker

Science on the Run: Information Management and Industrial Geophysics at Schlumberger, 1920-1940 (Inside Technology)

This is the story of how one company created and codified a new science "on the run," away from the confines of the laboratory. By construing its service as scientific, Schlumberger was able to get the edge on the competition and construct an...

Robert Apatow

The Spiritual Art of Dialogue: Mastering Communication for Personal Growth, Relationships, and the Workplace

A guide to how Socratic principles of dialogue can be used for improving communication and developing satisfying relationships. * Shows how to develop methods of dialogue for growth in personal and * business relationships. * Includes clear and...

Newnes Guide to Digital TV

The second edition has been updated with all the key developments of the past three years, and includes new and expanded sections on digital video interfaces, DSP, DVD, video servers, automation systems, HDTV, 8-VSB modulation and the ATSC system....

David Reisman

Richard Titmuss : Welfare and Society

Richard Titmuss, Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, adviser to governments and prolific author, was instrumental in shaping the new discipline of Social Policy and Administration. He made a valuable contribution...

Geoffrey Knott

Financial Management

Financial Management is the ideal course text for business and management undergraduates and MBA students taking an introductory module in Financial Management. The concise yet thorough style of the book makes it highly accessible for...

Christalyn Brannen

Going to Japan on Business: Protocol, Strategies, and Language for the Corporate Traveler

Thousands of Americans travel to Japan every month for face-to-face meetings and negotiations. Here are tips for first-time and seasoned business travelers, in a handy form for on-the-spot use. Includes information on trip preparation, getting...

Nicholas Van Rijn

The Swiss Solution: Using Switzerland for Completely Legal Secrecy and Asset Protection

For long-term benefits -- safety, privacy, tax-efficiency, asset protection, and profitability - the Swiss do not need to look beyond their own borders. They have the best investment in the world on their doorstep -- the Swiss annuity. While...

Richard Hunter

World Without Secrets: Business, Crime and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing

"Richard Hunter has seen the future, and its really scary. If you ever plan to do anything wrong, you need to read this book. If you suspect that someone will ever try to do anything wrong to you, you also need to read it. I believe that covers...

Warren G. Bennis, Burt Nanus

Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge

In this illuminating study of corporate America's most critical issue -- leadership -- world-renowned leadership guru Warren Bennis and his co-author Burt Nanus reveal the four key principles every manager should know: Attention Through Vision,...

<<<  Терри Пратчетт. Эрик, а также Ночная стража, ...             Теодор Драйзер. Теодор Драйзер. Собрание сочинений в двенадцати ... >>>

JULY. THE SECOND OF JULY. Исполнитель: JULY Альбом: THE Ю. В. Лобзин, Ю. П. финогеев, В. И. Волжанин и др.. Инфекционные болезни. Карл Маркс. Капитал. На французском языке. В трех томах. Том 3 Дж. Кришнамурти. Зеркало отношений: любовь, Joseph Campbell. Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: On Статистика Ian Whybrow. Harry and the Dinosaurs Say "Raahh!" Футбол Рейтинг
Казань, Серпухов, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Артём, Питер, Ноябрьск, Новомосковск,
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