Sally J. Ray

Strategic Communication in Crisis Management

Communicating successfully is crucial if an organization is to survive and recover from a crisis. Focusing on the airline industry and some of the most recent headline-making disasters, Dr. Ray looks at organizational crises, the communications...

Samuel R., Jr Black, John Paul Rossi

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Automobile Insurance: Samuel P. Black, Jr. and the Rise of Erie Insurance, 1923-1961 (Garland Studies in Entrepreneurship)

This study explores the development of automobile insurance through the career of one of the industry's entrepreneurs, Samuel P. Black, Jr., and Erie Insurance, the company he helped build....

Alfred D., Jr. Chandler, Peter Hastrom, Orjan Solvell, Peter Hagstrom, Sweden) Prince Bertil Symposium 1994 Stockholm

The Dynamic Firm: The Role of Regions, Technology, Strategy, & Organization

Business Strategy is becoming increasingly pluralist, drawing on the insights of different disciplines and business practice in different parts of the world. This book brings together the work and ideas of leading international scholars working in...

Marc R. Tool, Paul Dale Bush

Institutional Analysis and Economic Policy

This is a book on economic policy that takes the role of democracy seriously. It challenges the conventional wisdom espoused by leaders of both major political parties in the US, and increasingly by leaders of other nations, that markets and not...

Lucy Bland

Banishing the Beast: Feminism, Sex and Morality

Sexual politics at the turn of the last century caused public outcry, demonstrations and petitions, and serious debate among concerned men and women. Now available again in paperback, Lucy Bland's richly textured book vividly details the...

Ruth Hayden

For Richer, Not Poorer - The Money Book for Couples

Money matters are some of the most difficult areas for spouses to approach in an open and honest way. They are also some of the leading causes of breakups and divorces. This innovative, life-changing book will forever improve readers'...

Романецкий Н. М.

Убьем в себе Додолу

Сборник романов петербуржского писателя-фантаста Николая Романецкого включает в себя два несхожих, но равно увлекательных произведения, первое из которых относится к популярному ныне жанру фэнтези, причем созданной на отечественном материале, а...

Author Unknown

Course ILT: Flash 5: Advanced

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training coures....

Kornel Terplan, Saba Zamir

Intranet Performance Management

To avoid serious bottlenecks, components of the Internet and of intranets-such as servers, browsers, and the access networks-must be properly designed, implemented, managed, and monitored. Beginning with the basics, Intranet Performance Management...

Ken Shumate, Marilyn Keller

Software Specification and Design: A Disciplined Approach for Real-Time Systems

Clearly demonstrates how to tackle the difficult task of software specification and design. Focusing on the specification to design transition, it provides step-by-step rules, guidelines, heuristics, hints and tips. A large case study is used to...

K. Jensen

Coloured Petri Nets: Basic Concepts, Analysis Methods and Practical Use (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science a Series of Eatcs)

This three-volume work presents a coherent description of the theoretical and practical aspects of coloured Petri nets (CP-nets). The second volume contains a detailed presentation of the analysis methods for CP-nets. They allow the modeller to...

<<<  Михаил Литвак. Психологические гамбиты и комбинации             Теодор Драйзер. Теодор Драйзер. Собрание сочинений в двенадцати ... >>>

Анна Масс. Вахтанговские дети Знакомства Российская газета В. Лефельдт. Спряжение украинского и русского глаголов и Из рук в руки Виктор Мамонов. Одинокий бег Народ.ру Мать и дитя. Ребенок и его здоровье - главная тема книги. Здоровье ребенка Glenn Gould, Leonard Bernstein. Piano Concerto No. 1. Исполнитель: Glenn SPOOK AND THE GUAY. VIDA SONORA. Исполнитель: SPOOK А. В. Карягин, Г. М. Соловьев. Учебник автолюбителя Путешествия Конференция Яхо Работа James P. Honan, Cheryl Sternman Rule. Teaching Notes to Casebook I : A Guide С. Г. Исаев. Как самому зарегистрировать фирму Гороскопы Агент майл.ру
Таганрог, Арзамас, Каменск-Уральский, Серпухов, Рубцовск, Таганрог, Тамбов, Южно-Сахалинск, Первоуральск, Армавир, Миасс, Орехово-Зуево,
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