William J. Rothwell, Henry J. Sredl

The ASTD Reference Guide to Workplace Learning and Performance

Volume One of this two volume set is intended to provide a context for the Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP) field, to expand on the roles and competencies described in ASTD Models for Workplace Learning and Performance, and to provide...

C. Siva Ram Murthy, G. Manimaran

Resource Management in Real-Time Systems and Networks

Real-time systems and networks are of increasing importance in many applications, including automated factories, telecommunication systems, defense systems, and space systems. This book introduces the concepts and state-of-the-art research...

Charles R. Day

Schools and Work: Technical and Vocational Education in France Since the Third Republic

An examination of the technical and vocational education in France since the Third Republic....

Maryse Robert

Negotiating Nafta: Explaining the Outcome in Culture, Textiles, Autos and Pharmaceuticals

Since its inception, NAFTA has been the subject of numerous books, conferences, and seminars. Scholars, journalists, representatives of the business community and non-governmental organizations have either provided an overall economic assessment of...

David M. Levine, Patricia P. Ramsey, Robert K. Smidt

Applied Statistics For Engineers and Scientists Using Microsoft Excel and MINITAB (With CD-ROM)

This applied book for engineers and scientists, written in a non-theoretical manner, focuses on underlying principles that are important in a wide range of disciplines. It emphasizes the interpretation of results, the presentation and evaluation of...

Aron Katsenelinboigen

Indeterministic Economics

The growing turbulence of today's economic life requires innovative approaches to economics. There have been recent dissident works examining both micro- and macroeconomics which call into question orthodox indicators of economic performance--such...

Marquis James, Bessie R. James

The Story of Bank of America: Biography of a Bank

The story of the rise and growth of the Bank of America. This is a reprint. Original title was: Biography of a Bank: The Story of Bank of America NT & SA...

Transform Your Business into e: Going Beyond the Dot Com Disasters

Surveys indicate that many E-Business efforts either fail or disrupt the basic business processes and transactions. E-Business is sometimes not aligned with the business or IT. Vague vision statements are not translated into specific actions related...

Sham Bhangal

Flash Hacks

If you've ever seen an especially cool Flash effect on the web, gone straight to your trusty Flash book to find out how to do it, then turned away empty-handed--Flash Hacks is for you. This unique book offers a collection of expert Flash tips and...

Peter Ratner

3-D Human Modeling and Animation (+ CD-ROM)

All the tools and know-how to create digital characters that can move, express emotions, and talk. 3-D Human Modeling and Animation demonstrates how you can use your artistic skills in figure drawing, painting, and sculpture to...

Jack Greenfield, Keith Short, Steve Cook, Stuart Kent

Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks, and Tools

The architects of the Software Factories method provide a detailed look at this faster, less expensive, and more reliable approach to application development. Software Factories significantly increase the level of automation in application...

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Борис Власов. Господин Никто Лучшие проекты загородных домов площадью Discovery: Замки с привидениями. Шотландия. Эдвард Радзинский. Распутин. Жизнь и смерть Энциклопедия Сказок и Приключений: Дети капитана Гранта. Том Поиск майл.ру Топ Ливе Алла Григорьева. Назначаешься убийцей Up & Up 10: Teacher's Book / Книга для учителя Сильвия Абрахам. Как читать Таро
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