D. Eric Hirst, Mary Lea McNally, Mary Lea McAnally, D Eric Hirst

Cases in Financial Reporting: An Integrated Approach with an Emphasis on Earnings and Persistence (3rd Edition)

A collection of financial accounting cases designed to help readers become financial statement users, this book was developed from the course materials used in the past six years at the University of Texas at Austin. Each case utilizes financial...

Michael Turner

After the Famine: Irish Agriculture, 1850-1914

After the Famine examines Irish agriculture in the wake of the disastrous famine of the 1840s. Michael Turner's detailed study is in three parts: he analyzes changing agricultural structures in terms of land use and peasant occupancy; he estimates...

Ned Herrmann

The Whole Brain Business Book

The Whole Brain Business Book is the long-awaited culmination of Ned Herrmann's highly respected and extensive research and testing. In it, he presents his four-quadrant model of the brain and the corresponding thinking styles: logician, organizer,...

James J. Heckman, Edward Leamer

Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 5

Hardbound. The Handbook is a definitive reference source and teaching aid for econometricians. It examines models, estimation theory, data analysis and field applications in econometrics. Comprehensive surveys, written by experts,...

Leonard Pellicer

Caring Enough to Lead: How Reflective Thought Leads to Moral Leadership...

Местное самоуправление в России в 2003 году (+ CD-ROM)

Содержание: Конгресс муниципальных образований Российской Федерации. Местное самоуправление в современной России: итоги и перспективы. И. Кокин. 2003 - год начала крупномасштабной реформы местного...

Clayton Walnum

Microsoft Direct3D Programming Kick Start

DirectX 9, a brand-new version of Microsoft's multimedia libraries, features the latest 3D graphics technology in the form of Direct3D 9. Direct3D Programming will cover everything a C++ programmer needs to know in order to use Direct3D 9...

Lawrence L., Jr. Baldwin, Steve Hoffman, David Donald Miller, David Miller

OpenVMS System Management Guide

OpenVMS System Management Guide, Second Edition, the most complete book on the topic, details for system administrators the tools, technologies, and techniques by which they can configure, maintain, and tune computers running Hewlett-Packard's...

Michael Miller

Bargain Hunter's Secrets to Online Shopping

Shopping. For some, it is a veritable sport. For others, it is a dreaded experience which they try to avoid at all costs. No matter which group you fit in to, chances are when you do shop you're looking for a bargain. Bargain Hunter's...

Michael Hyatt

Invasion of Privacy : How to Protect Yourself in the Digital Age

From best-selling author and leading consumer advocate Michael Hyatt comes a startling report of how the government, industry, individuals, and interest groups have access to personal information about you. Fortunately Invasion of Privacy: How to...

Charles Poynton

Digital Video and HDTV Algorithms and Interfaces

Rapidly evolving computer and communications technologies have achieved data transmission rates and data storage capacities high enough for digital video. But video involves much more than just pushing bits! Achieving the best possible image...

<<<  М. Н. Золотоносов. Слово и Тело. Сексуальные аспекты, универсалии, ...             Сергей Есенин. Сергей Есенин. Собрание сочинений ... >>>

Поиск работы В. Н. Шахович. Биология Газета.ру Яхо Лист Константин Цивилев. Лежебокой быть прикольно... Revolverheld. Revolverheld. Исполнитель: Revolverheld Альбом: Jeffrey Jacobi, Tony Randall. How to Say It: With Your Voice Рейтинг О компьютерах В. И. Голубев. Автомобильные проблемы Агент майл.ру Jennifer Fallon. The Lion of Senet (The Second Антология мировой фантастики и детектива. Том 2. Во второй том Антологии мировой Такешиз. Такеши Китано ("Королевская битва"), Кайоко Кисимото ("Кикуджиро"), Edward J. Lordan. Essentials of Public Richard H. Beatty, Nicholas C. Burkholder. The
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