Renewable Bioresources : Scope and Modification for Non-Food Applications

Book Description Renewable Bioresources: scope and modification for non-food applications is the first text to consider the broad concept of renewable materials from the socio-economic aspects through to the chemical production and technical...

Как эффективно управлять командой

Эта книга посвящена важнейшему аспекту работы менеджера среднего звена - построению эффективной команды. В издании представлена исчерпывающая информация о том, как формировать команду XXI века, которая отличается тем, что зачастую формируется из...

Brian Walker

Hi and Lois : Sunday Best

Book Description The first full-color collection of the Hi and Lois Sunday pages ever published, this 50th Anniversary retrospective includes a generous selection of recent comic strips as well as a sampling of classic masterpieces from...

Jim Wageman

A Literary Lei - Flowers & Plants of Hawaii

Book DescriptionFor generations, Hawai`i's flowers and plants have inspired authors, poets, song-smiths and travel writers - from the creation chants of the Kumulipo to the lyrics of the hapa haole classics, from travelogues of Mark Twain and Robert...

Robert Koch

Will H. Bradley : American Artist in Print: A Collector's Guide

Book DescriptionThis comprehensive book brings together all of Will H. Bradley's finest printed oeuvre in a single volume. Nearly 200 illustrations reveal his fertile imagination, incomparable sense of design, and unmatched wedding of art and...

Генри Миллер

Книга о друзьях

Трилогия "Книга о друзьях" - последняя из крупных произведений Генри Миллера, уже в семидесятые годы рискнувшего подтвердить свой статус не "гения и классика", но "гениального хулигана от литературы". Результатом стали причудливая "Хроника...

Susan Krinard

Shield of the Sky

Book DescriptionEver since witnessing a sacred ritual, Rhenna of the Free People has been isolated. Not outcast, yet not part of her tribe, she walks alone, guarding the land's borders. And growing more troubled by the changes in the wind. Anger and...

Stephen Geez

The Fixer Spider-Boxed

Book DescriptionSecurity! Luxury! Companionship! The deal of a lifetime offers all these and more. But street people are disappearing, old folks losing their minds, and an ancient Zuni woman cries out because the Medicine ManA?s...

Jean R. Valence

Architect's Essentials of Professional Development (The Architect's Essentials of Professional Practice)

Book DescriptionThe architect's interest in continuing education has increased as a result of the national trend of state initiatives requiring continuing education for architect registration Architect's Essentials of Professional...

Michael J. Hurdzan

Golf Course Architecture : Evolutions in Design, Construction, and Restoration Technology

Golf Course Architecture , Second Edition is fully updated with more than fifty percent new material, including more than twenty-five recent innovations in the golf industry. Revealing both the art and science of golf course architecture, it...

Texas Rangers

Book DescriptionStill a feared and revered arm of law enforcement, the Texas Rangers were founded in 1835 and began keeping the peace as the West became wild. Texas Rangers is a collection of short stories featuring these legends of the Old West by...

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Даниель Дефо. Радости и горести знаменитой Молль Зимушка-Зима. Сборник мультфильмов. Сборник отечественных мультфильмов. Содержание: Примерные билеты и ответы по химии для подготовки к Почта.ру Путешествия Н. В. Елжова. Педсоветы, семинары, методические объединения Действительный анализ в задачах. Книга является учебным пособием по действительному Steven S. Eggland, Les R. Dlabay, James L. Jed Williamson. Accidents in North American Mountaineering Корбина Е. Д. Оксюкевич. Legislators: English Reader Александр Покровский. Люди в войсках Газета.ру Работа К. К. Утробина. Занимательная физкультура в детском Наталья Шром. Литература современной России. 1987-2003 Лента Волшебный чай. Основные правила приготовления и подачи Thomas D. Beamish. Silent Spill: The Organization of an Industrial Crisis Jules Verne. Around the World in Eighty Days (Penguin Classics) Т. Б. Клементьева. Английские местоимения / Pronouns NHL 08 (Xbox 360). Не зря говорят - хоккей игра для
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