Peter Hartcher

The Ministry: How Japan's Most Powerful Institution Endangers World Markets

This first full-length expos in English of Japan's all-powerful institution, the Ministry of Finance, not only reveals the inner workings of the Ministry but also sounds a warning about the impact of its growing abuses of power on world financial...

Fred E. Foldvary, Daniel B. Klein

The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues (Cato Institute Book)

The Half-Life of Policy Rationales argues that the appropriateness of policy depends on the state of technology, and that the justifications for many public policies are dissolving as technology advances. As new detection and metering technologies...

Jeff Hearn, Sasha Roseneil, British Sociological Association Conference

Consuming Cultures: Power and Resistance (Explorations in Sociology)

This volume brings together selected essays on the relationship of culture and consumption. In particular, it stresses the variety of ways in which consumption is structured and organized through culture and cultures, and how in turn cultural...

Annette Thau

The Bond Book: Everything Investors Need to Know About Treasuries, Municipals, GNMAs, Corporates, Zeros, Bond Funds, Money Market Funds, and More

In today’s volatile financial environment, growing numbers of investors are looking to flee the stock market in search of safer ground. While the bond market has often been a “safe haven,” confusing new bonds and bond funds make it...

D. Karagiannis, Ulrich Reimer

Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management, PAKM 2002, held in Vienna, Austria in December 2002. The 54 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 90...

Practice of Public Relations (Marketing Series : Professional Development)

Public relations is an essential element in effective and successful business today. The theory of public relations does not change but the practice develops with new ideas and methods of management and business. This fourth edition of 'The...

Grace H. Kwon

State Formation, Property Relations, & the Development of the Tokugawa Economy (1600-1868)

Before the late 1960s, Japan historians characterized the Early Modern Japanese economy in waht are typical feudal terms. Considered backward and stagnant, it was argued that the economy eventually collapsed under the weight of its own internal...

Donald J. Koosis

Business Statistics : A Self-Teaching Guide (Wiley Self-Teaching Guides)

This thoroughly revised edition of the popular guide to the basics of business statistics—as they apply to management, industry, and technology—is an invaluable tool for professionals and students alike. Statistics play a vital role in a...

International Business Publications USA, USA International Business Publications

US Radio Broadcasting Business Opportunities and Regulations Handbook (US Investment and Business Library)

Ultimate handbook on business opportunities and regulations in the US Radio Broadcasting Industry...

Н. Г. Кузнецов


Подобное мыслимо только в стране победившей революции: простой матрос становится командиром крейсера, командующим флотом, народным комиссаром. Сквозь призму своих воспоминаний Н. Г. Кузнецов правдиво и ярко показывает, как под руководством...

R. R. Panko, Raymond R. Panko

Business Data Networks and Telecommunications (4th Edition)

This cutting-edge exploration of data communications features 11 core chapters of essential material and 6 advanced modules?allowing readers at all levels of expertise to get up to speed and keep pace with the latest developments in the field....

<<<  Здоровье ребенка впервые наглядно в таблицах и схемах. ...             Сергей Есенин. Сергей Есенин. Собрание сочинений ... >>>

Работа Busta Rhymes. Break Ya Neck With: Рассекречено. В 1991 мир Корбина Бристол Л.. Нежный ангел THE POLICE. GHOST IN THE MACHINE. Исполнитель: THE POLICE Альбом: Maria Pergay, Suzanne Demisch, Paul B. Franklin. Maria Pergay: Between James P. Allen. Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to Лента TDK CD-R 700Mb, 52x, 20шт, slim case, color. Характеристики: Объем Успенский В.А. Что такое аксиоматический метод Mark Wutka. Special Edition Using Java Server Бесплатный хостинг Зайка в паровозе. Деревянная музыкальная игрушка. Деревянная игрушка "Зайка Джузеппе Д'Агата. Memow, или Регистр смерти Суздаль. Владимир. Боголюбово. Альбом. Если Вы еще не были в Суздале, Работа Mitchell Smith. Moonrise (Snowfall) Настольная книга классного руководителя. В книге дан свод необходимых для Аркадий и Борис Стругацкие. Сказка о Тройке Восставший из ада. Часть 4. Кровное родство. Брюс Рэмзи Почта Яхо
Нижневартовск, Северодвинск, Нижний Тагил, Тамбов, Ангарск, Калининград, Саратов, Великие Луки, Глазов, Санкт-Петербург, Ростов-на-Дону, Барнаул, Октябрьский, Кемерово, Армавир, Альметьевск, Нефтеюганск, Южно-Сахалинск, Ижевск, Грозный, Ковров, Коломна, Кисловодск, Челябинск, Новокузнецк, Черкесск,
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