A History of Theatre in Africa

Book DescriptionOffering a comprehensive account of a long and varied chronicle, this history of theater in Africa is comprised of essays written by scholars in the field. The coverage is geographically broad and includes an examination of the...

Timothy Zahn

Night Train to Rigel

Book Description It all starts when a man comes to deliver a message to Frank Compton--only to fall dead at his feet. What follows is a suspenseful thriller that only Timothy Zahn, a master of hard SF adventure, could have written. More...

David Gerrold

The Man Who Folded Himself

Book Description This classic work of science fiction is widely considered to be the ultimate time-travel novel. When Daniel Eakins inherits a time machine, he soon realizes that he has enormous power to shape the course of history. He can foil...

H. L. Mencken

In Defense of Women

Book Description1918. Mencken, American newspaperman, editor and critic known for his excellence in framing insults aimed at anyone. Contents: The Feminine Mind; The War Between the Sexes; Marriage; Woman Suffrage; and The New Age. See other titles...

Bert Sherman

Goodbye Careers Hello American Adventure: A Real-Life Guide to Temporary Retirement

Book DescriptionHave you ever dreamed of chucking it all and hitting the open road? The authors of this book fulfilled that dream by trading in their successful careers and comfortable lifestyle for a pick-up truck and a 19-foot travel...

Roy Hattersley

The Life of John Wesley : A Brand from the Burning

Book Description The Life of John Wesley portrays the founder of Methodism against a vividly rendered backdrop of the religious, social, and political landscape of eighteenth-century England. Through the power of his personality and the...

Cheryl, Ph.D. Dellasega

The Starving Family Companion Workbook: A Workbook for Parents of Children with Eating Disorders

Book Descriptionn The Starving Family: Caregiving Mothers and Fathers Share their Eating Disorder Wisdom, Dr. Cheryl Dellasega provides a first-of-its kind guide for family caregivers of persons with eating disorders. Culled from the experiences of...

John Sugden

Blue Jacket: Warrior of the Shawnees (American Indian Lives Series)

Book Description2001 Ohioana Book Award Blue Jacket (ca. 1743?ca. 1808), or Waweyapiersenwaw, was the galvanizing force behind an intertribal confederacy of unparalleled scope that fought a long and bloody war against white encroachments...

Allen Brayer

Hiding In Death's Shadow : How I Survived The Holocaust

Book Description There was commotion everywhere. People were getting dressed or looking for things. The atmosphere was unreal, unbelievable. I know they all felt the same as I. A rope was tightening around everyone?s neck?the end has...

Спящая красавица и другие истории

Широко известные сказки в пересказе для детей....

Мировой футбол. Справочник 2006

Очередной выпуск ежегодника "Мировой футбол" содержит подробную статистическую информацию об итогах футбольного сезона 2004/05 в масштабах планеты, начиная с самого значительного соревнования - отборочного турнира чемпионата мира в Германии. ...

<<<  Борис Арефьев. Охотник             Сергей Есенин. Сергей Есенин. Собрание сочинений ... >>>

Э. Успенский. Пластмассовый дедушка Алена Зайцева, Леонид Яхнин. Готовим вместе Edmund Reiss. Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories Manuel Gimenez Saurina. Karl Marx (Grandes biografias series) Миллер Рэй. Crazy позиции на каждый день Статистика Статистика Сергей Донской. Сотрудник отдела невидимок Строительный комплекс Московской области, №6, апрель 2006. Matt Haig. E-PR: The Essential Guide to
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