William Z. Ripley

Railroads, Rates and Regulations

This outstanding study reviews the history of transportation in the United States and examines a host of systemic pricing abuses that affected the U.S. economy....

Samuel Rosenberg

American Economic Development Since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation

This clearly-written book provides an historical analysis of postwar economic development in the US, helping the reader to understand the nation's current economic position. Samuel Rosenberg investigates three postwar phases: the creation of an...

Jim Wheeler

The Power of Innovative Thinking: Let New Ideas Lead to Your Success

This practical and motivational book teaches the user how to generate new ideas on their own as well as unlock hidden creativity. The exercises and advice in this breakthrough approach will encourage users to explore options known but unable to...

John O. Whitney

The Ecomomics of Trust: Liberating Profits and Restoring Corporate Vitality

Mistrust, argues John O. Whitney, forments meddling corporate bureaucracies that police even the most trivial transactions--squelching innovation and dragging down revenues with crippling administrative overhead. It discourages sales from talking to...

Suranjit Kumar Saha, David Parker

Globalisation and Sustainable Development in Latin America: Perspectives on the New Economic Order

The core objective of this book is to illustrate how the forces of globalization impact upon the prospects for sustainable development using Latin America, one of the major emerging regions of the world, as a case study. The book seeks to bring...

Luc Keuleneer, Willem Verhoog

Recent Trends in Valuation : From Strategy to Value

An optimal financial policy requires a strategy of value creation. This is translated into value-based management in a strategic decision-making and management model that focuses on maximising company value, and which therefore is essential for...

Joze Zupancic, Wita Wojtkowski, W. Gregory Wojtkowski, Stanislaw Wrycza

Evolution and Challenges in System Development

This volume covers the state-of-the art information systems development, including new methods, tools, and applications. The topics covered include: theoretical foundations; new directions in information systems development; development methods for...

Милорад Павич

Семь смертных грехов

Милорад Павич - великий сербский прозаик, автор "Хазарского словаря" и множества других книг, номинированный в 2004 году на Нобелевскую премию по литературе. Составленную им самим в 2002 году из нескольких новелл книгу "Семь смертных грехов" Павич...

Brad Cleveland, Debbie Harne

Call Center Operations Management Handbook and Study Guide

Call center operations is a specialized management field with its own theories and terminology. The fundamental dynamics of the randomly arriving call center workload create multiple challenges in the areas of forecasting, staffing, technology and...

William Porter

Quest for Loyalty

Software and technology companies spend billions in their quest to win new customers. Yet they invest minimal resources to keep them. The result? Even clients who claim to be satisfied are quick to defect to other suppliers offering similar...

Syed Mansoor Sarwar, Robert Koretsky, Syed Aqeel Sarwar

Linux : The Textbook

@CATEGORY = Linux (CJ00)@TITLE = Linux: The Textbook@AUTHOR = Syed Mansoor Sarwar@AUTHOR = Robert Koretsky@AUTHOR = Syed Aqeel Sarwar This book assumes that the reader has no background in Linux. It tours the Linux applications interface, guiding...

<<<  Н. М. Карамзин. Н. М. Карамзин. Полное собрание сочинений в 18 томах. ...             Fabio Crestani, Mounia Lalmas, Cornelis Joost Van Rijsbergen. Information ... >>>

8-мегапиксельная цифровая камера Samsung L83T отличается ультратонким Рейтинг Лисичка и волк. Вашему вниманию предлагается прекрасно иллюстрированная Почта С. А. Миронов, А. Л. Зеленецкий, Н. Г. Парамонова, В. Я. Плоткин. С. Г. Чойжинимаева. Питание и здоровье GOURARI/B. KLAVIERKON. Исполнитель: GOURARI/B Альбом: ДМОЗ Почта Яхо Л. И. Звавич, Л. Я. Шляпочник, И. И. Кулагина. Алгебра и начала Почта Почта Н. Ю. Анашина. Путешествие в страну "Что? Конференция iXBT.com ROGE. POULENC : PIANO W. Исполнитель: ROGE Альбом: POULENC : Евгений Крылов. Пароконвектомат: технологии эффективной работы Нигма Вести AAM PRESTON. HAYD:MISSA SANCTA. Исполнитель: AAM PRESTON Альбом: HAYD:MISSA William F. Hyde, Brian Belcher, Jintao Xu. China's
Ангарск, Новокуйбышевск, Великие Луки, Смоленск, НижнийНовгород, Энгельс, Грозный, ВеликийНовгород, Липецк, Салават, Брянск, Астрахань, Новокузнецк, Армавир, Уфа, Энгельс, Липецк, Комсомольск-на-Амуре,
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