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Ronald B. Cagle Blueprint for Project Recovery--A Project Management Guide: The Complete Process for Getting Derailed Projects
With the acceleration of technology and information, projects are becoming more complex, costly, and time-constrained -- and every year thousands of them get cancelled or end up costing significantly more than their original projections. Project...
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John Eargle, ?John M. Eargle Handbook of Recording Engineering
John Eargle's Fourth Edition of Handbook of Recording Engineering is the latest version of his long-time classic hands-on book for aspiring recording engineers. It follows the broad outline of its predecessors, but has been completely recast for the...
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Kevin Ryan Write Up the Corporate Ladder: Successful Writers Reveal the Techniques That Help You Write with Ease and Get Ahead
Anyone who wants to succeed in the workplace needs to present ideas clearly, persuasively . . . and in writing. But until now, business-writing books have emphasized rules and mechanics, which often stifle the writing process. Write Up the...
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C. Philip Kearney, Michael F. Addonizio A Primer on Michigan School Finance 2002
A valuable resource aimed at helping Michigan citizens and legislators understand the state's K-12 school finance system....
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World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Reports, 1996: Pages 1-284 (World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Reports)
Cases in this volume include: US--Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline; European Communities--Trade Description of Scallops; and Japan--Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages. Cases in this volume are reported in English....
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Ranjay Gulati, Mohanbir Sawhney, Anthony Paoni Kellogg on Technology and Innovation
Praise for Kellogg on Technology & Innovation " Will there be another technology-led boom? If you are tempted to say no, this provocative book will cause you to reexamine your views. It provides an intriguing analysis of emerging...
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Shane Yount, Anna Versteeg, Debra Boggan Buried Alive!: Digging Out of a Management Dumpster
Let's get real. All of the touchy-feely leadership stuff of the last decade has not really served you nor many others in management very well. Now that downsizing has taken its toll, reality is setting in. Fortunately, you lived through downsizing,...
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Michael J. Cunningham Smart Things to Know About, E-Commerce
Today?s business world faces change as a way of life. We are in a world that expects us not only to know what is going to happen next, but also to have predicted the solution so we can exploit the next wave of change. E-commerce is driving this...
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Robert J. Muller Database Design for Smarties: Using UML for Data Modeling
Whether building a relational, object-relational, or object-oriented database, database developers are increasingly relying on an object-oriented design approach as the best way to meet user needs and performance criteria. This book teaches you...
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Ruleml 200, Michael Schroeder, G. Wagner, Gerd Wagner Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web: Second International Workshop, Ruleml 2003 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2876)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web, RuleML 2003, held in Sanibel Island, Florida, USA in October 2003 in conjunction with ISWC 2003. Rules and...
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П. Грипари Семь плюс семь
У известного французского писателя - современного прозаика и драматурга Пьера Грипари есть книга веселых сказок. Как всякий сказочник, П.Грипари немного волшебник, умеющий превратить старую сказку в новую, а новую сотворить из чего-то, казалось бы,...
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Домой Е. С. Козорез. Кожно-венерические заболевания. Учебное пособие
Дуги Бримсон. Бешеная армия. Облик футбольного насилия
Авраам Руссо. Tonight (переиздание). Самый лиричный певец российской
Наталия Орбенина. Злодейка
Greg Kramer. Sims 2: Seasons: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official
Химки, Новороссийск, Томск, Арзамас, Ярославль, Бийск, Оренбург, Химки, Иркутск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Рыбинск, Орёл, Каменск-Уральский,
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