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Ken Shelton The Best of Personal Excellence: The Magazine of Life Enrichment (Magazine of Life Enrichment)
This timeless collection of prize articles includes the most respected authorities on personal and professional development. From Montel Williams to Katharine Graham to William Bennet, you'll read about how you--as well as every other...
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Hubert Saint-Onge, Charles Armstrong The Conductive Organization: Building Beyond Sustainability
An organization's culture lies at the heart of its ability to perform. In the knowledge economy, new rules are emerging and organizations must rethink how they will compete by leveraging their tacit knowledge - their intangible assets - in order to...
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Michael J. Evans Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
Designed to be used with "Introduction to the Practice of Statistics", 3/e and its accompanying CD-ROM, this SAS manual not only provides students with the skills necessary to do all the statistical analyses required by the text, but also offers...
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Barbara Rockefeller, Barbara Rockefeller The Global Trader: Strategies for Profiting in Foreign Exchange, Futures and Stocks
TRADE THE WORLD WITH CONFIDENCE "Barbara Rockefeller brings the authority and perspective of a knowing insider to this well-written account of the risks and opportunities in trading highly leveraged markets like interbank currencies and...
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Cyrus Freidheim The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise: How the Alliance Revolution Will Transform Global Business
"In The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise Cyrus Freidheim proposes a blueprint for the global expansion of enterprises by alliances. Almost every day now we see such alliances being formed, with high hopes and mixed results, Freidheim analyzes, with...
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Larry Pesavento Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading
Over the past 20 years the use and misuse of the Fibonacci Summation series has proliferated to the point that commentators on the nation's TV business channels are now resident experts. I lay no claim to being an expert. I have, however, studied...
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Marsha Bertrand, Marsha Bertrand Getting Started in Investment Clubs
HOW TO PUT THE GOLD INTO YOUR GOLDEN YEARS If you are among the 56 percent of Americans lagging behind in their financial goals for retirement??or a retiree with plenty of years ahead in which your money can grow?an investment...
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Robert W. Bly Create the Perfect Sales Piece : How to Produce Brochures, Catalogs, Fliers, and Pamphlets
A self-instructional guide to producing brochures, catalogs, fliers and pamphlets. From initial concept development through final publication, this step-by-step handbook covers all phases of literature production including marketing strategy,...
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M. Lee Upcraft, John H. Schuh Assessment in Student Affairs : A Guide for Practitioners (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series)
For practitioners at all levels of experience, Assessment in Student Affairs provides a single-volume, practical resource on using assessment to develop and improve all facets of student affairs. It includes detailed guidance for student...
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А. А. Гончаров, В. М. Наумов, С. А. Чернякова Практикум по гражданскому праву. Общая часть
Практикум полностью отвечает требованиям Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования и разработан для проведения практических занятий со студентами юридических факультетов высших учебных заведений по курсу...
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Gerhard Wiehler Mobility, Security and Web Services : Technologies and Service-oriented Architectures for a New Era of IT Solutions
Mobility, security and web services are the key challenges to be mastered in business IT solutions of the future, and the major subjects of discussion in the information and communications sector. This book provides an insight into the...
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Домой Программы
Саймон Купер. Кельтское сердце. История Тристана и Изольды. В Поисках Изольды;
Postcolonialism Meets Economics (Economics As Socialtheory). Book DescriptionThe
Аркадий и Борис Стругацкие. Стажеры
C. L. Groll Temminck, Van W. Alphen. The
Baby Einstein Discover the Day: Lift-A-Flap Sound Book. Lift-A-Flap
Великие мысли великих людей. В трех томах. Том 3. XIX
Isabel Carlos. Biennale Of Sydney 2004: On Reason And Emotion
С. И. Аксенов. Вода и ее роль в регуляции биологических
Brian S. Everitt, Sabine Landau, Morven Leese. Cluster Analysis
Автомобильный портал
Dianne Crabtree. On The Road To Royalty
Matthew Bryant. America Online 4 Fast and Easy:
H. Roger Neal. Streetwise Investing in Rental Housing: A Detailed Strategy
С. И. Дубкова. Сказки звездного неба
Коломна, Набережные Челны, Владикавказ,
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