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Laura Iloniemi Is it all About Image : How PR works in Architecture (Architecture in Practice)
Book DescriptionPublicity is essential for any practice to keep afloat and continue attracting commissions, as even modest jobs often come in through recommendation and reputation. This is the first comprehensive and accessible guide for any archite...
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Anthony Doerr About Grace : A Novel
Book Description Anthony Doerr?s short-story collection The Shell Collector was praised by the Los Angeles Times as being "as close to faultless as any writer?young or vastly experienced?could wish for." One of the...
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Edward Shalts The American Institute of Homeopathy Handbook for Parents : A Guide to Healthy Treatment for Everything from Colds and Allergies to ADHD, Obesity, and Depression
Book DescriptionThe American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) is the oldest medical organization in the United States , founded three years before the American Medical...
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Anne Richardson Williams Unconventional Means
Book DescriptionA spiritual travelogue and unconventional memoir...Shattered by family tragedy in the early 1960s, an upper-middle-class Southern teenager finds solace in art and literature. Decades later she is called to the continent whose...
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Under the Naked Sky: Short Stories from the Arab World (Modern Arabic Writing)
Book DescriptionPioneering translator Denys Johnson-Davies brings together thirty colorful tales of a mosaic of life as lived and portrayed by Arabs from Morocco to Iraq. Featured writers include Egypt's Naguib Mahfouz and Yusuf Idris, Fuad...
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Gordon Parks Voices in the Mirror : An Autobiography (Harlem Moon Classics)
Book Description Alone after his mother’s death, homeless in a Minnesota winter, young Gordon struggled to stay in school, working at menial jobs and riding streetcars all night to escape the cold. Refusing to succumb to despair, he instead...
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Elise Broach Wet Dog!
Book DescriptionOn a hot, hot day a good old dog just has to get some relief! Around the steamy country lanes he sniffs and searches until he finds: a chauffeur washing a shiny car, a baker scrubbing some sticky pans, and a florist spraying a pink...
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International Mt. Bandai Symposium for Neuroscience 2003 Developments in Neuroscience: Proceedings of the 3rd International Mt. Bandai Symposium for Neuroscience and the 4th Pan-Pacific Neurosurgery Congress, ... 22 an (International Congress Series)
Book DescriptionHardbound. This second volume of Developments in Neuroscience is a collection of 150 papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium for Neuroscience and the 4th Pan Pacific Neurosurgery Congress held in Honolulu. Papers from...
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От моделей поведения к искусственному интеллекту
В монографии представлены работы ведущих российских исследователей, размышляющих о проблемах: как строить модели адаптивного поведения живых организмов и как такие модели могут быть использованы в системах искусственного интеллекта. Монография...
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Sally Potter, John Berger, Pankaj Mishra Yes: Screenplay and Notes
The only book by the writer/director of Orlando and The Tango Lesson about her daring, new movie starring Joan Allen, coming from Sony Pictures Classics in May. "How can I describe Yes ? Is it a love story? It's...
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Книга загробных видений
Что нас ожидает после завершения земного существования? Можно ли, оставаясь в рамках этой жизни, узнать, какой путь предстоит нам в другой, будущей?.. Тем, для кого смерть - абсолютное табу, такие вопросы кажутся абсурдными. Однако древние...
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Домой И. Д. Серебряков. "Океан сказаний" Сомадевы как памятник
Главное найти свое место в жизни! Магнит. Главное найти
Изучая кривую. Джон С. Дэвис ("У мести новое лицо"), Кронауэр Гэйл
А. И. Соболевский. Труды по истории русского языка. Том 2. Статьи
А. Шишанов. Дизайн интерьеров в 3ds Max 2008
Heather S. Nathans. Early American Theatre from the Revolution to Thomas
В. В. Колесов. Гордый наш язык...
Robert Algozzine, Pam Kay, Jane Knitzer.
Эстер Верхойф-Верхаллен. Собаки. Выбор, уход, обучение, породы
Декоративная фигурка "Сердце". Сувенир в форме сердца с оригинальным
О. Н. Салманов. Эконометрика
Фролкина Е.Н.. Российское предпринимательское право в тестах
Бийск, Серпухов, Москв, Северск, Уфа, Самара, Курган, Москва , Казань, Артём, Магнитогорск, Нижневартовск, Кострома, Новочебоксарск, Ижевск,
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