Andrew Thomson, Christopher Mabey, John Storey, Colin Gray, Paul Iles

Changing Patterns of Management Development (Managements, Organizations, and Business)

Written in a highly accessible style by a small distinguished team, this book provides a definitive overview of the key themes and trends in management development. It focuses, in particular, on the way organisations develop their managers, and on...

Carolyn Warner

Promoting Your School: Going Beyond Pr

Updated Edition of Best Seller! Foreword by Michael Pladus This is a proactive, up-to-date guide to the theory and practice of school public relations, countering the negative and promoting...

Pauline Travis, David Bell, Lucille Freeman

GRE General CBT w/ CD-ROM (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the GRE

This test preparation book includes six written practice exams and three full-length computer-based tests with detailed explanations to every answer. All practice exams are consistent with the new format of the GRE, including the Analytical...

Christopher Gerg, Kerry J. Cox

Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools

Many intrusion detection books are long on theory but short on specifics and practical examples. Not Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools . This new book is a thorough, exceptionally practical guide to managing network security using...

Andrew Michael Cohill, Andrea L. Kavanaugh

Community Networks: Lessons From Blacksburg, Virginia

Stories exploring life in "America's most wired town", Blacksburg, Virginia, have appeared in major publications internationally. Articles in Esquire, USA Weekend, and Reader's Digest have captured the public's interest, and now there's a...

John A. Beachy, William D. Blair

Abstract Algebra

This volume offers a gentle introduction to proof in a concrete setting, the introduction of abstract concepts only after a careful study of important examples, and the gradual increase of the level of sophistication as one progresses through the...

Mark Hughes

Dear Bill Gates

Imagine you could change the World... What would you change? Would you want to curb poverty, create a more equal distribution of wealth and create easy jobs for everyone that offer a decent wage? What if you had an idea...

Propranolol - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Reference

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Quick Source

Internet Explorer 5.0 Quick Source Guide

This 6 page tri-fold guide will acquaint new users with all the basics of using Internet Explorer 5.0, and be an invaluable reference for more experienced users. It details step by step instructions on how to: use links; use History; set up...

В. В. Аристова, Л. Я. Гальперштейн

Моя самая первая энциклопедия

В книгу "Моя самая первая энциклопедия" вошли разделы, которые помогут ребенку узнать много новых и полезных сведений о человеке и о животных, о технике, космосе и об искусстве. Издание, проиллюстрированное сотнями красочных рисунков, для маленького...

Редьярд Киплинг

Редьярд Киплинг. Сказки

Сказки Р.Киплинга, вошедшие в книгу знают и любят дети во всем мире....

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