Gustavus Myers

History of the Great American Fortunes

Originally published in 1910, a primary source for the business and development of American power in the nineteenth century. As Myers describes in his preface, it was the fashion in the early twentieth century to write of the multi-millionaires in...

Kenneth M. Jennings

Balls and Strikes: The Money Game in Professional Baseball

"Impressively researched and well written, this valuable study by a business professor at the Universiy of North Florida. . . traces the erosion of the reserve clause and the rise of arbitration in salary disputes, examining the participants in...

John R. Baldwin, Petr Hanel

Innovation and Knowledge Creation in an Open Economy: Canadian Industry and International Implications

The book analyzes how manufacturing firms bring new and improved products and production processes to the market. It examines sources of innovative ideas and technologies; the role of R&D activity; the use of patent protection and other government...

Suzette Haden Elgin

The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense at Work

Powerful techniques for combating verbal abuse on the job from the renowned author of the "Gentle Art" series -- with total sales surpassing one million copies. Obscenities, ethnic and sexist epithets, cutting jokes, subtle put-downs -- whether...

Analog Circuit Techniques with Digital Interfacing

This book uses an analytical approach, backed up with numerous experimental exercises and worked examples. It is designed to deliver the core content of a three year degree course in a single volume, which makes it an ideal core adoption text, and...

Betty Meredith

Securing Your Financial Future

This self-study book is a step-by-step program to help you make more informed investing and retirement planning decisions with yor 401(k) dollars....

Elaine Biech

Marketing Your Consulting Services

Marketing Your Consulting Services is a complete how-to guide that will help you develop and implement a dynamic marketing plan that will make your consulting business more visible to clients and more competitive in the marketplace. Written...

Terrence M. Clauretie, G. Stacy Sirmans

Learning Real Estate Finance

This new edition teaches the beginning real estate student the skills and knowledge set necessary for success in real estate. The primary emphasis is residential finance with some coverage of commercial real estate with solid coverage of the...

Dhananjay V. Gadre

Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition & Process Control

Why purchase expensive add-on cards or bus interfaces when you can develop effective and economical data acquisition and process controls using C programs? Using the under employed printer adapter (that is, the parallel port of your PC, you can turn...

S. Goronzy, Silke Goronzy

Robust Adaptation to Non-Native Accents in Automatic Speech Recognition (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)

Speech recognition technology is being increasingly employed in human-machine interfaces. A remaining problem however is the robustness of this technology to non-native accents, which still cause considerable difficulties for current systems. In...

Icon Health Publications

Chickenpox: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

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