Maureen Burton, Raymond E. Lombra

The Financial System and the Economy: Principles of Money and Banking

This text gives students a unique understanding of the dynamic and evolving nature of the financial system and how it is related to the aggregate economy. It emphasizes the effects of structural change, globalization, financial innovation, and...

Terence K. Hopkins, Immanuel Wallerstein

The Age of Transition: Trajectory of the World-System, 1945-2025

Immanuel Wallerstein's World-System theory made a big impact on International Political Economy when it was first formulated in the early 1980s. Although subsequently criticised, the recent demise of the Soviet system's historic attempt to...

Douglas J. Forsyth, Ton Notermans

Regime Changes: Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Regulation in Europe from the 1930s to the 1990s

During the 1930s and 1940s, and again in the 1970s and 1980s, most European nations, indeed most industrial nations, undertook major changes in macroeconomic policy orientation and financial regulation. The contributors to this volume, historians,...

Mike Fasulo, Jane Kinney

Careers for Enviromental Types & Others Who Respect the Earth

Careers for Environmental Types and Others Who Respect the Earth lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a living--including...

Stephen R. Covey

First Things First Every Day: Daily Reflections- Because Where You're Headed Is More Important Than How Fast You Get There

Covey is a good reader for his own work. Born in Salt Lake City, he has a voice that suggests a Scandinavian/Midwest heritage with broad "o's" and precise articulation. Covey's accent adds credence to his theses on time management. He contends that...

Nazih Richani

Systems of Violence: The Political Economy of War and Peace in Colombia (Suny Series in Global Politics)

Examines the conditions that have led to protracted violence in Columbia....

Michael L. Rosenzweig

Win-Win Ecology: How The Earth's Species Can Survive In The Midst of Human Enterprise

As humanity presses down inexorably on the natural world, people debate the extent to which we can save the Earth's millions of different species without sacrificing human economic welfare. But is this argument wise? Must the human and natural...

Donald Kirk

Business Guide to Phillippines

The Business Guides are aimed at business people requiring an accurate and up-to-date guide to how business is orfganised and regulated in Asia. Business Guides aim to cover : *negociation preparation *foreign trade *Customs *business law...

Carl Hamilton

Absolut: Biography of a Bottle

This book is the official story of how Absolut Vodka came to be. Carl Hamilton found that publishing this book in Swedish would cost him his job at a prestigious economics institute. When he published an expanded version of a research project...

Chris Sandlund

Buying a House: An Easy, Smart Guide to Buying a New Home (Barnes & Noble Basics)

The process of selecting a house, making a bid, and getting a mortgage can drive even the sanest adult to near distraction. Where should you buy? How do you put in a bid and get a mortgage? What goes into the inspection, so you catch any...

Сью Шпильман

JSTL. Практическое руководство для JSP-программистов

Книга учит работать с JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library - библиотекой стандартных тегов JSP). Книга необходима всем разработчикам JSP, в особенности тем, кто еще не работал с JSTL и продолжает использовать на своих страницах скриплеты и изобретать...

<<<  Библиотека современной фантастики. Том 23. Антология. ...             Игорь Пронин. Отраженные >>>

Betty E. Bauer. My City Different: A Half-century In Santa Fe Андре Каспи. Повседневная жизнь Соединенных Штатов в эпоху Toto. IV / The Seventh One / Kingdom Of Desire (3 CD). В сборнике МТС JAMES LEVINE. 1995 - CENTENARY. Исполнитель: JAMES LEVINE Том Эгеланн. Наследники Иисуса Путешествия С. Е. Гаврина, Н. Л. Кутявина, И. Г. Топоркова, Работа Новости
Новотроицк, Питер, Новомосковск, Москва , Кызыл, Пенза, Калуга, Грозный, Новый Уренгой, Санкт-Петербург, Тобольск, Тюмень, Находка, Новый Уренгой, Коломна, Благовещенск, Волгоград, Благовещенск, Новомосковск, Тула, Междуреченск, Новотроицк, Артём, Каменск-Уральский, Назрань,
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