Ф. П. Майоров

Ответ американским критикам Павлова

Москва. 1949. Издательство Академии медицинских наук СССР. Оригинальная обложка. Сохранность удовлетворительная. "Ответ американским критикам Павлова" - это критика возражений, выдвинутых против учения академика И.П.Павлова о высшей нервной...

Janet Holmes

Power and Politeness in the Workplace

Book DescriptionThis book provides insights into the way we all talk at work. It contains a wealth of material illustrating the way people communicate with each other in their ordinary everyday encounters in the workplaces. The analysis focusses...

Thriving on an Aging Workforce: Strategies for Organizational and Systemic Change

Book DescriptionBy means of a modified Delphi, the editors bring together nationally recognized leaders in the aging workforce arena. With these experts, we find the best minds in America identifying the most crucial issues facing our society as we...

Mark E. Parry

Strategic Marketing Management (The Mcgraw-Hill Executive Mba Series)

Book Description THE MCGRAW-HILL EXECUTIVE MBA SERIES Readers look to The McGraw-Hill Executive MBA series for straight-talking, technique-filled books written by frontline executive education professors and modeled after the...

Zhaoming Qian

The Modernist Response to Chineese Art: Pound, Moore, Stevens

Book DescriptionWhat role did Chinese art play in the poetic development of Ezra Pound, Marianne Moore, and Wallace Stevens? How could they share Chinese artists? Dao, an aesthetic held to be beyond verbal representation? In this sequel to his...

Joseph Micheal Kelly

That's My Point : Reflections from Baltimore's Locust Point Neighborhood

Book Description Devious Passions is the author?s next work to be published. It's a compilation of short stories about lovers and their physical relationships. Other works not sent in for publishing as of yet range from 'poems and inspirational...

Dennis L. Siluk

A Path To Relapse Prevention: A Common Sense Book On Understanding The Sensitivety, Thinking And Repair Work Needed For The Alcoholic And Drug Inflicted (The Inside Passage)

Book DescriptionMr. Siluk is a Licensed Counselor with the State of Minnesota, and has held international licenses in Drugs and Alcohol, as well as worked for hospitals and clinics with dual disorders. His first CD book, A Path to Sobriety ...

Steven Furnell

Computer Insecurity : Risking the System

Book DescriptionSecurity is one of the most significant issues facing the owners and users of computer systems in the Internet age, and recent years have convincingly illustrated that the problem is increasing in both scale and cost. Computer...

Robert M. Wachter

Internal Bleeding : The Truth Behind America's Terrifying Epidemic of Medical Mistakes

Amazon.comWith a mix of horrifying medical accidents and warmly logical problem solving, Internal Bleeding provides a serious, if graphic, look at an industry where a simple mistake can lead directly to death. Happily, authors (both are...

Н. Носов

Незнайка в Солнечном городе. Дневник Коли Синицына. Веселая семейка

В книгу вошли роман-сказка "Незнайка в Солнечном городе" и две повести "Дневник Коли Синицина" и "Веселая семейка"....

Ярослав Гашек

Хрестоматия хороших манер (аудиокнига MP3)

Имя Ярослава Гашека не нуждается в рекламе. Более 80 лет мир читает и перечитывает его роман о приключениях бравого солдата Швейка. Но далеко не все знают, что созданию этой книги предшествовали полтора десятилетия работы в жанре фельетона и...

<<<  Gary K. Young. Rome's Eastern Trade: International Commerce and Imperial Policy, ...             Игорь Пронин. Отраженные >>>

Сильнее огня. Никита Зверев ("Русский перевод"), Татьяна Арнтгольц Лента П. Д. Павленок, Е. В. Куканова. Основы социологии Перекрестный огонь. Роберт Янг ("Другая женщина"), Роберт Маленький вождь. Малышу Паторузито предстоит стать вождем великого Алан Доудс. Супермотоциклы. Лучшие модели ДМОЗ РБК Н. И. Борисов. Практическая фонетика немецкого Шухрат Р.-Ф. Сайфуллаев. Эволюция и природа Дж. Малоун. Нераскрытые тайны природы Mitropoulos, Dimitri. Rare Recordings (2 CD). Исполнитель: Mitropoulos, Почта.ру
Тобольск, Ногинск, Волжский,
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