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Barbara & Rene Stoeltie Living in the Countryside
We have tirelessly traveled through the countrysides of Sweden, Ireland, England, Holland, France, Greece, Tuscany, Majorca, and Greece in search of the best examples of rural homes that reflect the tradition and culture of their inhabitants. Many...
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Clement Wood Bernarr Macfadden: A Study in Success
Book Description1929. Considered the Father of Physical Culture in America and throughout Occidental civilization, Macfadden advocated living according to nature's laws, the two-meals-a-day plan, the abolition of prudery, and sanity in all...
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Kwame Kwei-Armah Fix Up
Book Description Set against the inexorable march of progress in contemporary black London culture, Kwame Kwei-Armah's second play for the National Theatre in London explores race and roots with an assured verve and comic wit. Kwame...
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Aleksandar Dundjerovich The Cinema of Robert Lepage- The Poetics of Memory (Directors' Cuts)
Book Description The Cinema of Robert Lepage is the first critical study of one of the most striking artists of Quebecois and Canadian independent filmmaking. The book examines Lepage's creative methods of filmmaking in their cultural and...
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Anton Chekhov The Duel and Other Stories (Dover Thrift Editions)
Book Description Six masterfully executed selections from the famed Russian author's most prolific period display those qualities for which he is famous--a natural aptitude for detail, dialogue, humor, and compassion. Includes "The Darling," a...
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Andris Freivalds Biomechanics of the Upper Limbs: Mechanics, Modeling, and Musculoskeletal Injuries
Book DescriptionThe repetitive tasks of various forms of manual work can lead to cumulative trauma disorders, increasing staff burn-out rates and the number of sick-days taken by employees. Interest in upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders has...
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J. B. Steane Singers of the Century, Vol. 3
Book DescriptionThe subjects of this third volume range from survivors of the so-called Golden Age of the 1890s, such as the formidable Lotte Lehman, to those whom the 20th century has bequeathed to the 21st, such as Cecilia Bartoli and Ian...
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Marcus Wood The Poetry of Slavery - An Anglo-American Anthology, 1764-1865
This is the first book to collect the most important works of poetry generated by English and North American slavery. Mixing poetry by the major Anglo-American Romantic poets (Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Whittier, Longfellow,...
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Francesco Pittau That's Disgusting!
Book DescriptionThis irresistibly icky book will appeal to kids' love of all things nasty--while charming parents with its wit and energy. Adorable artwork on every spread accompanies simple text. Swallowing a worm, smelling a sock, playing in the...
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Rupert Hughes George Washington: The Human Being and the Hero 1732-1762
Book Description1926. This is a fascinating account of a Virginian who became one of the greatest and most beloved leader's of American history. This volume covers his earlier years. Partial Contents: Ancestry, His Childhood; First and Last Sea...
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Джастин Сомпер Вампираты. Демоны океана
Близнецы Конор и Грейс осиротели. Чтобы их не усыновили местные назойливые зануды, дети отправляются в открытое море на отцовской лодке. Во время ужасного шторма их суденышко опрокидывается, и на помощь приходят два таинственных корабля. Конора...
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Домой Bill C. Coats. Aloe Vera the New Millennium:
Поль Ларрейа, Клод Ривьер, Роберт Асслино, Арнольд Греми. Краткий
Мик Фаррен. Нейрокошмар
Трансформеры. Выпуск 4. Много веков назад началась грандиозная и беспощадная
Мой мир
Foster D. Coburn III. CorelDRAW 12 Unleashed
М. К. Плакунов. Планирование на малых и средних предприятиях средствами Excel
Топ майл.ру
Булат Окуджава. Булат Окуджава. Избранные произведения.
Gerhard Wiehler. Mobility, Security and
Дополнительные бусинки для термомозаики. Нетоксичные бусинки
Нальчик, Череповец, Благовещенск, Новороссийск, Иваново, Владимир, Обнинск, Королёв, Курган, Псков, Красноярск, Смоленск, Чита, Новотроицк, Новочеркасск, Волгодонск, Хасавюрт, Сургут, Курган, Северодвинск, Москва , Великие Луки, Арзамас, Братск, Электросталь, СергиевПосад,
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