С. В. Зубков

Assembler для DOS, Windows и UNIX

В книге освещаются все аспекты современного программирования на ассемблере для DOS, Windows 95/NT и UNIX (Solaris, Linux и FreeBSD), включая создание резидентных программ и драйверов, прямое программирование периферийных устройств, управление...

Barton, Ph.D. Kunstler

The Hothouse Effect: Intensify Creativity in Your Organization Using Secrets from History's Most Innovative Communities

Throughout history, across many centuries and an enormous range of cultures, certain communities have stood out as bastions of creativity and intellectual progress. From ancient Athens to the vibrant American jazz scene of the 20th century, these...

James J. Haviland

This Book Is No Joke

This Book Is No Joke! is the receipe to individual success. It reveals the critical ingredients necessary for enhancing one's sense of humor. What if you knew: Where a sense of humor comes from? What happens to it? How it can be...

David H. Freedman

Corps Business : The 30 Management Principles of the U.S. Marines

What's the best-run enterprise in the world? It just may be the Marine Corps. Far from being the hidebound, autocratic entity that most people imagine, the Corps has created a stunningly nimble, almost freewheelingly adaptive organization....

Paul B. Farrell

The Millionaire Code : 16 Paths to Wealth Building

Praise for THE MILLIONAIRE CODE "A wonderfully worthy book, especially in an era when the wrong kind of capitalism has been in the driver?s seat. The Millionaire Code is about something far more noble than money?the joy of living...

Robert Irwin

Buy, Rent and Sell: How to Profit by Investing in Residential Real Estate

The time has never been better for investing in real estate, and this book arms the millions of investors who are returning to real estate as an established instrument of wealth creation with surefire strategies for making a killing in the real...

Eudine Barriteau

The Political Economy of Gender in the Twentieth-Century Carribbean (International Political Economy)

Eudine Barriteau exposes the precarious position of women in 20th century Caribbean societies by analyzing the operations of gender systems. She reveals the absence of gender justice and equity, and demonstrates that after 25 years of policies...

Ken Little

Alpha Teach Yourself Investing in 24 Hours

Beginner and novices interested in the basics of investment, finance, retirement; participants in company investment plans....

Brandon Steiner

The Business Playbook: Leadership Lessons From the World of Sports

"Brandon thinks outside the box. He doesn't wait for opportunity, he creates it." -Mark Messier "Nobody ever goes into Brandon's office - it's too crowded." -Yogi Berra "What it takes to win in sports and business...

Gerard I. Nierenberg

Successful Selling (Made E-Z)

Learn how to evaluate and improve your negotiating skills, and develop specific strategies for sales success. Build powerful, long-term business relationships to maximize profits....

Dennis L. Foster

Franchising for Free : Owning Your Own Business Without Investing Your Own Cash

Everything you need to know to get started Franchising for Free If you?ve been considering buying a franchise business, but you?re not sure where to begin, this book will get you started. Franchising For Free shows you how to secure...

<<<  Оскар Уайльд. Кентервильское привидение             Don Hutson, Chris Crouch, George Lucas. The Contented Achiever ... >>>

Валюты стран мира. Справочник. Справочник представляет собой Александр и Тамара Белые. Тайная Доктрина дней Апокалипсиса. С. Туров. Набивка чучел зверей и птиц Джон Диллон. Средние платоники Топ Новости Валерий Лонской. Бог ушел Народ.ру Аверьянов Д.И.. С чего начать углубленное изучение геометрии в 8 классе Николай Леонов. Мент поганый Маргарита Прокофьева. Делакруа Все произведения в кратком изложении. Литература. 5 класс. Марина Цветаева, Борис Пастернак. Души начинают видеть The Beatles,Tony Sheridan. Ain't She Sweet. Исполнитель: The Beatles,Tony Статистика
Владикавказ, Сызрань, Красноярск, Серпухов, Белгород, Братск, Березники, Братск, Тула, Канск, Северодвинск, Новочебоксарск, Ульяновск, Белгород, Иваново, Железнодорожный, Хабаровск, Майкоп, Обнинск, Калуга, Хасавюрт, Пермь, Абакан, Курск, Шахты, Сыктывкар, Новокуйбышевск, Златоуст, Омск,
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