International Labor Office

Fundamental Rights at Work and International Labour Standards

Labour standards have long been upheld by the ILO as an essential pillar of development and peace at the national and international levels. Respect for fundamental rights at work is at the core of the ILO's decent work strategy. This important new...

Sally N. Cummings

Centre-Periphery Relations in Kazakhstan

This paper analyzes the dynamics between Kazakhstan's centralizing policies and the mounting economic and political centrifugal forces in a country eleven times the size of the United Kingdom, with over one hundred national minorities. The political...

Carl Pritchard

The Project Management Communications Toolkit (Artech House Project Management Library)

Effective communication is every project manager?s most powerful tool. Helping you achieve a high level of communications expertise and success is the goal of this book and CD-ROM package. This practical resource shows you how to coordinate the...

Sean Meehan, Patrick Barwise

Simply Better: Winning and Keeping Customers by Delivering What Matters Most

A No-Nonsense Approach to Customer-Focused Business In their relentless quest for differentiation, many companies have poured their energies into making their offerings distinctive from competitors'. Yet, according to marketing experts...

Christopher S. Browning

The Apple Pie Savings System

The Apple Pie Savings System allows you to plan your savings goal each month and track your savings progress each week. At the end of each month you score yourself on how well you have met your monthly savings goal. The system shows you exactly...

Melissa S. Kollen-Rice

Buying Real Estate Foreclosures

"... want to buy a house or other real estate below market value? If so, read this book."--Robert J. Bruss, syndicated real estate columnist Home foreclosures are at a ten-year high, and this new edition of Melissa Kollen-Rice's...

Melinda Morse, Laura Jorstad

How to Start a Home-Based Housecleaning Business

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own home-based housecleaning business? Have you been hesitant to put your plans into action? This comprehensive guide contains all the necessary tools and strategies you need to successfully launch and grow...

Massimo Foti, Angela C. Buraglia, Daniel Short, Kim Cavanaugh, Danilo Celic, Kevin French, Brad Halstead, Joel Martinez, Stephanie Sullivan, Murray Summers

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic

As a serious Web designer or developer, you'll want to do one thing and one thing only when you lay your hands on the latest version of Dreamweaver: Start tinkering with all its new features. Problem is that's hard to do on someone else's dime....

Andy Ihnatko, Tony Bove

The iLife <b>'04</b> Book

Mac star Andy Ihnatko delivers a fun, informative, full-color guide that shows Mac users everywhere how to make the most of Apple's iLife digital media suite-iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, and iDVD. Drawing on the cooperation of Apple Computer, Inc.,...

Cynthia Brewer, Trudy A. Suchan, United States Bureau of the Census

Mapping Census 2000

Reflecting the important changes in America's demographic landscape, this book of maps documents the transformation in dramatic fashion. These maps show in intricate detail how the American population's race, age, and Hispanic origin have changed...


Мольер. Полное собрание сочинений в трех томах. Том 1

В первый том полного собрания сочинений великого французского драматурга вошли такие его произведения, как "Шалый", Смешные жеманницы", "Урок мужьям", "Урок женам", "Версальский экспромт", "Брак поневоле", и другие комедии....

<<<  Джон Р. Р. Толкин. Властелин Колец. Две твердыни             Don Hutson, Chris Crouch, George Lucas. The Contented Achiever ... >>>

Знакомства Нигма Автомобильный портал Вадим Панов. Московский клуб Richard Wagner. Der Ring Des Nibelungen. Gustav Kuhn (13 CD). В сборнике представлены Pegge Parker Hlavacek. Alias Pegge Parker Чат Яндекс Кэтрин Коултер. Невеста-наследница Мексиканский оборотень в Техасе. Рэнди Мермелл , Гомер. Илиада (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD) Поиск людей Почта Яхо Доска разделочная с антибактериальной защитой , 25 см х 36,5
Питер, Волгодонск, Миасс, Люберцы,
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