Entrepreneur Press

How to Start a Business in Maryland (How to Start a Business in Maryland (Etrm))

This series covers the federal, state, and local regulations imposed on small businesses, with concise, friendly and up-to-the-minute advice on each critical step of starting your own business....

Joseph A. Kraemer

Digital Television in a Digital Economy

Digital technology, the economics of information, growing Internet/Web accessibility, and new generations of wireless and wired networks are permanently transforming how business is conducted in the U.S. and around the globe. The electronic mass...

Warren J. Samuels, Edythe S. Miller

The Institutionalist Approach to Public Utilities Regulation

For the past several decades, a climate of deregulation has encompassed industries ranging from public utilities to mass transportation. Harry Martin Trebing has been at the forefront of this debate as one of the foremost specialists in the world in...

Alma Harris, Christopher Day, Mark Hadfield, David Hopkins, Andy Hargreaves, Christopher Chapman

Effective Leadership for School Improvement

The authors argue that the effective leaders of the future will be those who are able to share responsibility, build positive relationships and offer stakeholders - teachers, parents and students - an opportunity to work together to improve their...

Charles S. Varano

Forced Choices: Class, Community, and Worker Ownership (Suny Series in the Sociology of Work and Organizations)

What happens to employees when their company decides to close? Thousands of workers across America have faced this prospect in the past twenty years, but relatively few have chosen to buy the company and operate it as a worker-owned concern. Forced...

Peggy Carlaw, Vasudha Kathleen Deming

The Big Book of Sales Games

Packed with fun, engaging activities, The Big Book of Sales Games gives you simple, fast, and enjoyable ways to train and motivate sales staff-or yourself-for selling success. Learn how to: Master up-selling techniques for increased...

Shilling, Jerome Dasso, Alfred A. Ring

Real Estate

This book is written and designed for anyone seeking a clear understanding of the many decisions involved in real estate. The intent is to create a mind set that will make it easier for the reader to understand the world of real estate, and how...

Laurie Rozakis

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Public Speaking (2nd Edition)

You're no idiot, of course. You can hold your own in water cooler conversation, are the life of the party at get togethers, and have no problen firing a quick comeback at your smart-alecky friends. But when it comes to standing onstage in front of a...

Robert D. Ramsey

Fiscal Fitness for School Administrators: How to Stretch Resources and Do Even More With Less

School-tested ways to stretch curriculum dollars, get better administration for less money, and more. ...

Dawn B. Sova

Schaum's Quick Guide to the SAT

Unlike other SAT® guides that bombard students with canned responses, this one arms them with the basic skills needed to systematically analyze and successfully respond to all three categories of verbal test questions. Expert Dr. Dawn Sova...

Steve Kalman

Web Security Field Guide

Hands-on techniques for securing Windows(r) servers, browsers, and network communications Create effective security policies and establish rules for operating in and maintaining a security- conscious environment Learn how to...

<<<  Бертран Рассел. Введение в математическую философию             Don Hutson, Chris Crouch, George Lucas. The Contented Achiever ... >>>

Icon Health Publications. Accutane: A Medical Dictionary, Сергей Романов. Не матом единым. Байки Уильям Шекспир. Король Генрих IV Б. В. Ухин, А. А. Гусев. Гидравлика ЖЖ Ответы Автомобильный портал ДМОЗ Herbert Mason. Gilgamesh : A Verse Narrative Каталог софта Яндекс Газета.ру
Черкесск, Калуга, Новокуйбышевск, Одинцово, Нижнекамск, Киселёвск, Чита, Энгельс, Армавир, Камышин, Чебоксары, Ногинск, Ростов-на-Дону, Сыктывкар,
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