Марина Межиева


Это история о том, как сын царя Шуддходана Гаутама достиг просветления и стал Буддой....

Г. Е. Зборовский, Н. Б. Костина

Социология управления

Рассматриваются предмет социологии управления, ее функции и место в системе социологического знания, история возникновения и развития. Основное внимание уделяется анализу системы социального управления, его особенностей на различных уровнях,...

Roy Church

The Rise and Decline of the British Motor Industry (New Studies in Economic and Social History, 24)

This book is a concise and lucid review of the strengths and weaknesses of the British motor industry during the one hundred years since its foundation. Placing the industry firmly in a European context, the author first assesses its achievements...

Miriam Drennan, Joel Anderson

Soar Above The Madness Surviving Office Politics Without Losing Your Mind, Your Job, Or Your Lunch

Success, motivation, and teamwork are the goals of the guys on the top for those of us pretending to work away at the bottom. Now you can get the inside poop on the secret plots of upper management with Soar above the Madness: Surviving Office...

Motivating People in Lean Organizations

Shortlisted for the prestigious Management Consultancies Association (MCA) best management book of the year, 1997. Motivating People in Lean Organizations is the essential guide for managers who need to motivate employees and promote new forms of...

John Braithwaite, Peter Drahos

Global Business Regulation

How has the regulation of business shifted from national to global institutions? What are the mechanisms of globalization? Who are the key actors? What of democratic sovereignty? In which cases has globalization been successfully resisted? These...

Gary J. Borgstede

The "Make It Happen" Journey

The "Make It Happen" Journey: Changing The Corporate Mindless Robot Factory Into A Corporate "Make It Happen" Adventure Land defines "Make It Happen" Team Values that will universally help companies revolutionize their cultures, service, morale,...

Inside the Minds Staff

The Educator: The Art & Science of Providing an Excellent Education (for Teachers of All Levels & Types)

Offering access to the leading minds of different industries, each essay in these books is written by a different C-level executive from Fortune 500 companies. Their insights provide tips, secrets, and glimpses into the future of each profession or...

Jose M. Fernandez Martin

The Ec Public Procurement Rules: A Critical Analysis

Procurement of goods and services by public authorities in the market place has been the object of an ambitious European Community legal programme. It has, however, proven largely ineffective. The objectives of transparency and European-wide...

R. Brian Dixon

The Federal Wage & Hour Laws

Designed for the busy human resources professional or student who needs to understand the provisions and exemptions to the minimum wage and overtime pay laws, this no-frills guidebook clearly and succinctly explains the federal regulations and how...

Sarah A. Laird

Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge

This practical manual demonstrates how to arrive at equitable and successful arrangements over access to, and the commercial development of, genetic resources. Despite much discussion at the international policy level relating to the use of genetic...

<<<  Генри Каттнер. Долина Пламени             Don Hutson, Chris Crouch, George Lucas. The Contented Achiever ... >>>

John Smith. Structural Bodywork Динамика и прочность водо-водяных энергетических реакторов. Настоящая Гороскопы ECO LPO BARENBOIM. BEETHOVEN:PNO CTO OP.61 +. Исполнитель: ECO Sean Michael Lucas. Robert Lewis Dabney: A Southern Presbyterian Life (American Фото THE TUBES. GOING DOWN ... TH. Исполнитель: Газета.ру И. В. Коник, Н. Н. Яскевич. Игорный бизнес. Бухгалтерский и налоговый Романова Галина Владимировна. Я - его алиби
Йошкар-Ола, Сызрань, Балашиха, Черкесск, Черкесск, Энгельс, Москва , Оренбург, Великие Луки, Чебоксары, Южно-Сахалинск, Салават, Елец, Сочи, Октябрьский,
Ноты и тексты. Учебные пособия| Труды классиков маркетинга и менеджмента| Финансовое и банковское право| Школа рисования| Бизнес-планирование| Каталоги| Музыкальные мелодрамы| Музыка и зрелищные искусства| Французский язык| Военные комедии| Финансы. Денежное обращение| Сборники отечественных мультфильмов| Отечественная фантастика| Воспитание и педагогика| Иностранный язык для бизнесмена| Для дома и бизнеса| Труды классиков маркетинга и менеджмента| Электронная бизнес-книга| Двадцатый век| Философия| Реклама, PR, брендинг, имиджелогия| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Бухучет. Общие вопросы| Школа рисования| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Искусство и культура| Декоративно-прикладное искусство. Дизайн| Криминальные драмы|
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