Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Carl Woodring, Henry Nelson Coleridge, John Taylor Coleridge

The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 14 : Table Talk (2 Volume Set)

Coleridge's nephew, son-in-law, and first editor, Henry Nelson Coleridge, began at the end of 1822 a record of Coleridge's remarks as a way of preparing an anthology of the interests and thought of the great poet and critic. His manuscripts,...

Sam R. Lloyd

Developing Positive Assertiveness (Fifty-Minute Series.)

Make positive assertiveness a productive force in your life. This course will help you examine your posture, language, and attitude while learning to deal openly with others. Find your natural style of communication. Use assertive words...

Kent Wertime

Building Brands and Believers: How to Connect with Consumers Using Archetypes

Building Brands & Believers--How to connect with Consumers using Archetypes "Kent Wertime successfully argues that while products are be,coming more alike, brands can avoid 'commoditization' by drawing on the rich language of...

Telecommunications Law in the Internet Age

For companies in and around the telecommunications field, the past few years have been a time of extraordinary change-technologically and legally. The enacting of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the development of international trade...

Daniel Oran, Mark Tosti

Law Dictionary for Nonlawyers

A highly portable condensed version of Oran's Dictionary of the Law, that contains all the core legal words common to introductory law and paralegal courses. It is also a good self-contained way to learn about key legal concepts, starting with the...

Barbara A. Fanson

Start and Run a Desktop Publishing Business

- Manage your business profitably - Develop a niche market - Find opportunities on the Internet...


PC Complete (Complete)

The best value ever for a computer owner! 1000 pages of valuable knowledge for only $! This book covers every subject a computer user needs to know, including practical PC upgrading and maintenance informatin, Windows 95/98 coverage, user guides...

Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Misty E. Vermaat

Microsoft Word 97 Complete Concepts and Techniques

Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, this text offers a screen-by-screen, step-by-step approach to learning Word 97. Covers beginning and advanced skills....

Геннадий Калмыков

Свой дом

Книга будет одинаково полезна как опытным индивидуальным застройщикам, так и начинающим - всем тем, кто еще не имеет навыков в подобной работе, но очень хочет иметь свой дом. Особое внимание уделено предварительной стадии: выбору участка, размеру и...

Л. И. Белина

Business English / Деловой английский. Словарь-справочник

Книга содержит около 2000 ключевых терминов и устойчивых словосочетаний английского языка делового общения с их русскими эквивалентами. Справочник предназначен для всех, кто изучает английский язык в вузах, на курсах или самостоятельно, а...

Марк Твен

The Prince and the Pauper / Принц и нищий

В основу адаптации положена известная повесть американского писателя Марка Твена "Принц и нищий". Книга снабжена комментариями, упражнениями, словарем и предназначена учащимся 5-8 классов средних школ, лицеев, гимназий, студентам I-II курсов...

<<<  Richard Brinsley Sheridan. The Rivals             Mario Rutten. Rural Capitalists in Asia: A Comparative ... >>>

Ангелы Смерти: Асы Второй Мировой / Blazing Angels: Squadrons Вакансии SEMISONIC. SECRET SMILE. Исполнитель: Lewis Trondheim. Astronauts Of The Future (Astronauts Нигма А. В. Микляева. Я - подросток. Программа уроков психологии Почта.ру Программы
Грозный, Йошкар-Ола, Краснодар, Сургут, Элиста,
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