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Labor Market Institutions and Public Regulation (CESifo Seminar Series)
Book DescriptionThe six studies collected in this CESifo volume analyze the sometimes unpredictable effects of public regulation on the labor market. Examining a wide range of policy interventions -- from subsidized employment to an increased tax on...
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Robin Fincham Principles of Organizational Behaviour
Book DescriptionWritten jointly from psychological and sociological perspectives, this text covers the range of disciplines across occupational psychology, group dynamics, and work and organizations. The new edition has substantially revised,...
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Liesbeth Heenk Howard Hodgkin Prints
Book DescriptionAn internationally acclaimed painter, Howard Hodgkin is also a major and highly original maker of prints. This is the first ever comprehensive survey and catalogue raisonne of Hodgkin's prints?more than 140 works made since...
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Jean-Marc Gauthier Building Interactive Worlds in 3D : Virtual Sets and Pre-visualization for Games, Film & the Web
Book DescriptionIn Building Interactive Worlds in 3D readers will find turnkey tutorials that detail all the steps required to build simulations and interactions, utilize virtual cameras, virtual actors (with self-determined behaviors), and...
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Jeff Koons Jeff Koons & Andy Warhol: Flowers
Book DescriptionWhat a lush garden! Imagine the berserk beds that could sprout Koons' polychromed wood begonias next to Warhol's Matisse-adrift-on-Monet silkscreened petunias. This smart volume plants Koons' mostly sculptural exploration of the...
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Jonathan M., M.D. Berkowitz Asthma: Relax, You're Not Going to Die
Book DescriptionWhile drugs have proved lifesaving for many people, the long-term answer for asthma sufferers is learning how to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Dietary changes, exercise, environmental controls, supplements, and herbs can alleviate...
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Edward Lengel General George Washington : A Military Life
Book DescriptionMuch has been written in the past two centuries about George Washington the statesman and “father of his country.” Less often discussed is Washington’s military career, including his exploits as a young officer and...
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Scott Allen Nollen Louis Armstrong: The Life, Music and Screen Career
Book DescriptionLouis Armstrong was not only a virtuoso musician, singer, composer and actor, but also a dedicated writer who typed hundreds of letters and reminiscences, carrying a typewriter with him on his constant travels around the globe. The...
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Rudiment Grooves for Drum Set
Book DescriptionMorph those boring 26 standard rudiments you learned into mind-blowing grooves, fills and solos! All that rhythmic sophistication you hear from great drummers can easily be broken down into its basic elements: the rudiments....
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Progress in Coloproctology
Book DescriptionProgress in Colorectal Surgery covers a variety of topics of current interest to the colorectal specialist. Thirteen areas are covered by internationally renowned experts and include chapters on topics such as referral guidelines for...
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Карл-Йоганн Вальгрэн Адские вариации. Личное дело игрока Рубашова. Книга 2
В ночь, когда Европа перешла из XIX века в век XX, житель Санкт-Петербурга, азартный игрок Николай Рубашов осуществляет мечту своей жизни - он играет в покер с самим Сатаной. Свою партию Николай Рубашов проигрывает, однако взамен он получает...
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Домой Stokes, Albert H. Stokes. You Can Get a
Э. С. Мусаев. Оптоэлектронные устройства на полупроводниковых излучателях
Макроэкономика. Учебник предназначен для изучения курса "Макроэкономика"
Роберт Рождественский. Мгновения, мгновения, мгновения...
Пилатес. Курс для начинающих. Пилатес - комплекс упражнений для всего тела.
2 Live Crew, The. As Nasty As They Wanna
Gulru Necipoglu. The Age of Sinan : Architectural
Полное дыхание / Короткое дыхание (2 DVD). Короткое дыхание (2006 г., 90
А. И. Григорович. История 13-го драгунского Военного Ордена генерал-фельдмаршала
Андрей Посняков. Русич. Молния Баязида
Северск, Саратов, Северодвинск, Балаково, Пенза, Якутск, Иркутск, Грозный, Улан-Удэ, Мурманск, Дзержинск, Обнинск, Новомосковск, Москва , Серпухов, Рыбинск, Киров, Великие Луки, Невинномысск, Волгодонск, Ногинск, Мытищи, Дзержинск, Краснодар, Артём, Рубцовск,
Прикладная культурология| Юмор и сатира. Видеопрограммы| Нетрадиционные исторические теории и гипотезы| Промышленность. Энергетика|
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