Ken Lloyd

Jerks at Work: How to Deal With People Problems And Problem People

Book DescriptionIn this updated and revised edition of Jerks at Work, popular syndicated columnist Ken Lloyd returns to grapple once again with one of America?s most popular (or unpopular) workplace topics, and presents his practical, upbeat,...

Larry E. Greiner

Handbook of Management Consulting : The Contemporary Consultant, Insights from World Experts

Book Description This book provides a thorough examination of a variety of specialties within the broad range of management consulting. A book of such scope and depth could only be written by a large number of experts. Each chapter is written by a...

Dennis Prince

How to Buy Everything for Your Wedding on eBay . . . and Save a Fortune!

From the bestselling authority on eBay--an online shopping guide that saves brides and grooms thousands of dollars According to, the average wedding costs more than $10,000. But through the bargain-hunting power...

Jeff Schindler

Capture, Create and Share Digital Movies (Survive and Thrive series)

Book DescriptionWith a personalized tutorial based on the interests and skill level of the user, this guide teaches beginning and intermediate computer users about the countless opportunities for exploring creativity through the use of digital...

Aaron Tenbrook


Book DescriptionOut of Aarron Tenbrook's wild imagination comes Peguscity. A virtual reality tour and more. From "Ash Crater" to Zeon, this adventure has it! Meet lord Pegus, Princess Belle, and the sorcerer Trevor. Don't forget about the hideous...

Diane Muldrow

Dish 7: A Recipe for Trouble (Dish)

Book DescriptionMolly and Amanda Moore and their friends Shawn, Peichi, and Natasha have the hottest thing going-a cooking business called Dish! The girls have become great cooks, and their business is really taking off. But mixing friendship with...

Frantisek Kozik

Sorrowful and Heroic Life of John Amos Comenius

Book DescriptionReturn of the student; Happy years; In hiding; In exile; Journey to London; Pilgrimage of honor and discord; Struggle with time; Ominous peace; School in Sarospatak; Sack of Leszno; Refuge of old age; Reform of human affairs....

Michael Luck

Agent-Based Software Development (Agent-Oriented Systems)

Book DescriptionThis unique new reference offers you the most thorough and comprehensive explanation of the methods, tools, standards and techniques used to develop software using the agent-oriented approach. Meeting a long unmet need to support the...

J. P. Telotte

Disney TV (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Television Series. TV Milestones)

Book DescriptionA historical account of the context, impact, and legacy of one of the most successful series in American television history....

Pratibha A. Dabholkar

Time After Time: A Love Story Written As a Screenplay

Book DescriptionTime After Time is a story about a history professor who undergoes hypnosis to overcome his nightmares, and regresses to his past life as a Civil War soldier. There, he meets and loses his soul mate, and becomes desperate to find her...

В. В. Фронтов, В. О. Тихвинский

Регулирование телекоммуникаций в России и странах СНГ

Рассмотрены состояние и тенденции развития нормативной правовой базы телекоммуникаций и влияние на нее технологической революции. Изложены история формирования и особенности системы регулирования телекоммуникаций в России и Европейских странах,...

<<<  Дона Холлеман, Орит Сен-Гупта. Танец Светящегося Тела. ...             Ф. И. Елисеев. С Корниловским конным >>>

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