Markos Kounalakis, Drew Banks, Kim Daus

Beyond Spin : The Power of Strategic Corporate Journalism (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)

Discover a new, strategic brand of corporate communication that cuts through today's Dilbert-esque cynicism to engage workforces, manage constant change, and align organizations. In Beyond Spin, three experts detail the techniques of corporate...

Stephen Kenyon-Slade

Mergers and Takeovers in the US and UK

A detailed and authoritative practitioner work on mergers and acquisitions of companies in the US and UK, this will be an important reference for lawyers on both sides of the Atlantic (including all major companies with dealings in those...

Christopher M. Byron

Testosterone Inc.: Tales of CEOs Gone Wild

An ageless story of men, power, greed, and sex Testosterone Inc.: Tales of CEOs Gone Wild tells the story of a group of corporate titans?Jack Welch of GE, Dennis Kozlowski of Tyco, Ron Perelman of Revlon, and Al Dunlap of...

Paul Kartinen

Organizational Engineering: Management Is Out! Engineering Is in

A deluge of experts and consultants has transformed the job of organizational management into a state of confusion. Yet it's not ivory tower academics, but real people who struggle to operate organizations. Trapped in this confusion, the working...

J. Walker Smith, Ann S. Clurman

Rocking the Ages: The Yankelovich Report on Generational Marketing

You've done the research. You know your customer's income, where he lives, what he drives. But you don't know whether he prefers Bob Dylan or Alanis Morisette. Or Pepsi, or Snapple or tap water. And you don't know why. Why, for...

Clare Dowdy

Beyond Logos: New Definitions of Corporate Identity (Graphic Design)

Corporate identity, the design and marketing buzzphrase of the 80s and 90s, has undergone a revolution in the last five years. Now the talk is of branding. With the growth of globalisation and the increasing realisation among corporations large...

Research and Education Staff, Research and Education Association Staff, Randall Raus

The Essentials of Computer Science I (Essentials)

Topics include fundamental computer concepts, number representations, Boolean algebra, switching circuits, and computer architecture....

Matthew M. Huntbach, Graem A. Ringwood

Agent-Oriented Programming: From Prolog to Guarded Definite Clauses (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

The authors present a systematic development of the concurrent object-oriented agent programming language Guarded Definite Clauses (GDC). In contrast to other languages used in agent programming, like Java, Telescript, and Agent-TCL, this language...

Jason Garman

Kerberos: The Definitive Guide [ILLUSTRATED]

Kerberos, the single sign-on authentication system originally developed at MIT, deserves its name. It's a faithful watchdog that keeps intruders out of your networks. But it has been equally fierce to system administrators, for whom the complexity...

Елена Холмогорова

Трио для квартета

Эта книга — о странностях любви, о том, какие причудливые формы она умеет принимать, то образуя не поддающийся никаким теоремам треугольник (в какой попадают Маша, Митя и Володя в романе "Трио для квартета"), то оборачиваясь не желающими пересечься...

Пол Кругман

Великая ложь

Один из наиболее известных экономистов сегодняшнего дня, кандидат на Нобелевскую премию Пол Кругман делится своими размышлениями о злободневных событиях последнего пятилетия - от мирового кризиса 1998 года до вторжения США в Ирак. Американский...

<<<  Г. А. Евсеев, С. В. Симонович. Экзаменационные вопросы ...             Ф. И. Елисеев. С Корниловским конным >>>

QIP.ру Александр Климай. Ихтиандр (аудиокнига MP3) Почта Jason Busby, Michele Bousquet. Mastering the Art of Production Погода Евгений Светланов. Чайковский. Лебединое озеро (Избранное). Ольга Лазорева. Возвращение русской гейши Поиск мета Нигма Народ.ру Фото Почта
Майкоп, Одинцово, Рязань, Екатеринбург, Братск, Курган, Елец, Красноярск, Южно-Сахалинск, Псков, Обнинск, Краснодар, Новомосковск, Улан-Удэ, Ростов-на-Дону, Краснодар, Питер, Коломна, Волгодонск, Сызрань,
Постановки балета| Современный детектив| Зарубежная фэнтези| Все сказки мира| Первобытное общество. Древний мир. Античность| Юмор и сатира. Видеопрограммы| Автоматика. Радиоэлектроника. Связь| Искусство и культура| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| История экономики| Телевизионные комедии| Домоводство, кулинария| Фильмы-катастрофы| Религия. Оккультизм. Эзотерика| Иронический детектив| Исторические драмы| Комедии|
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