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Robert Brenner Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict, and London's Overseas Traders, 1550-1653
In this major reinterpretation of the activities of London's merchant community during the early Stuart period, Robert Brenner explains the factors behind the opening of long-distance commerce to the south and east, describes the growing power of...
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Joyce Tang Doing Engineering
The first to systematically compare Caucasians, African Americans, and Asian Americans in engineering, this study of the career attainment and mobility of engineers in the United States tells how these three groups fare in the American engineering...
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Deborah Dumaine, Elisabeth C. Healey Instant-Answer Guide to Business Writing: An A-Z Source for Today's Business Writer
Fast, accurate answers to all your business writing questions will be at your fingertips when you put this handy, carry-it-anywhere reference to work for you. Packed with practical guidance and real-world examples, it helps you ...
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The Digital Document : A Reference for Architects, Engineers and Design Professionals
Documents, such as drawings, memos and specifications, form an essential function in the design and construction industry. Throughout the lifecycle of a built asset, starting from an initial design idea, right through to a final built form and its...
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Wilson L. Walker Becoming a Better Leader and Getting Promoted in Today's Army: The Nco's Guide to Putting the Soldier First
Includes 9 key principles of leadership....
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Ibp USA Brazil a Spy Guide
Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...
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Aidan Davison Technology and the Contested Meanings of Sustainability
Argues that sustainability requires more than technological efficiency....
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Emma Judge Hands on Food, Water and Finance: Practical Innovations for a Sustainable World (Hands on Series)
Appropriate "green" technologies are sometimes regarded as a second-rate solution but the three volumes of "Hands On" challenges this concept by presenting real-life examples of successful viable alternatives to demonstrate appropriate technological...
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Robert W., Cpa, MS Katz, Jamie Katz Money Came by the House the Other Day : A Guide to Christian Financial Planning and Stories of Stewardship
Personal fincances are one of the roughest and often toughest jobs a person faces in their lifetime. Couples often fight more over finances than all other topics combined. Now there is a book written specifically for those interested in making the...
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Internationalist Staff Making Money in China & Hong Kong. Making Money Internationally Series
Making Money in China & Hong Kong provides its readers with practical and useable information on what it takes to make money in China and Hong Kong. Included are lists of telephone numbers and addresses of organizations in both the US and China,...
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Scott?S Pickard, Scott S. Pickard Due Diligence List: Www.Duediligencelist.Com
Due Diligence List has over 2,000 good due diligence questions organized under fourteen major functional areas of the business.Readers can subscribe free to receive e-notifications when new questions are added to the site. There is...
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