H. Val Peterson

Communication is the Key

A collection of 50 essays and articles written for Facilities Manager magazine and other facilities periodicals. Author Val Peterson has worked as a facilities professional for more than 30 years. These short pieces each touch on an important aspect...

Richard C. Grote, Dick Grote

The Complete Guide to Performance Appraisal

The Complete Guide to Performance Appraisal supplies you with the quickest, surest, and most up-to-date methods available for making your appraisal system outstanding. Whether you want to get the maximum impact from your existing system, or you want...

Robert A. Pitts, David Lei

Strategic Management With Infotrac: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage

Strategic Management, third edition explores how firms build, extend, organize, and sustain a competitive advantage, focusing on five key themes: distinctive competence, quality, globalization, change, and ethics. This text takes an...

Don, Jr. Reynolds

Crackerjack Positioning : Niche Marketing Strategy for the Entrepreneur

Crackerjack Positioning, Niche Marketing Strategy for the Entrepreneur, shows you how to develop a unique market niche, and tells you how to capitalize on it. You'll see the effectiveness of a core marketing message that is in harmony with what your...

David Clutterbuck, Belle Rose Ragins

Mentoring and Diversity

Organizations with a diverse workforce will have a leading edge in the New World economy. 'Mentoring and Diversity' illustrates the importance of mentoring as a proactive tool in diversity initiatives, and demonstrates how mentoring can be used to...

Paul Krugman

The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century

A galvanizing new work from America's leading economic critic?a book that will set the terms of the political debate for years to come. No one has more authority to call the shots the way they really are than Paul Krugman, whose provocative...

Course ILT: Business Finance

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....

Alan Griffiths

Digital Television Strategies: Business Challenges and Opportunities

In Britain, America, and many other countries, television audiences and advertising revenues are declining. At the same time digital television and new models are emerging. This book looks at the reinvention of television, and answers many essential...

William A. Giovinazzo, William Giovinazzo

Object-Oriented Data Warehouse Design: A Star Schema

Written for any database developer or IS manager planning to build a data warehouse, Object-Oriented Data Warehouse Design provides just the right level of detail. Mixing practical advice for project management with a remarkably clear...

David B. Fogel

Evolutionary Computation : Toward a New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence

"In this revised and significantly expanded second edition, distinguished scientist Dr. David B. Fogel presents the latest advances in both the theory and practice of evolutionary computation to help you keep pace with the most recent developments...

Lindsay MacDonald, M. Ronnier Luo

Colour Image Science : Exploiting Digital Media

The scope and importance of colour image science has grown rapidly in recent years. In parallel with the proliferation of consumer imaging products, the capabilities of colour displays, printers and digital cameras increase. New challenges for...

<<<  Сервантес. Дон Кихот. В двух томах. Том 1             Ф. И. Елисеев. С Корниловским конным >>>

Джазовые страницы (mp3). Сборник состоит из музыкальных произведений двух Дин Кунц. Единственный выживший Мой мир CONCERTO PALATINO. AFFECT AND EFFECT IN 17. О компьютерах QIP.ру Гафур Зайниев. Инкубатор первичных изобретений Dave Ulrich, Dale Lake. Organizational Capability Почта И. Ш. Килясханов, Ю. М. Саранчук. Информационное право в терминах и понятиях Уэйн У. Дайер. Реальная магия успеха
Хабаровск, Набережные Челны, Орёл, Артём, Казань, Новокузнецк, Железнодорожный, Обнинск, Златоуст, Канск, Новошахтинск, Архангельск, Самара, Муром, Калининград, Калуга, Элиста, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Березники, Каменск-Уральский, Артём, Уссурийск,
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