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Robert L Heilbroner, William Milberg The Making of Economic Society (11th Edition)
With its roots in history and eyes on the future, this book traces the development of our economic society from the Middle Ages to the present, offering a balanced perspective of why our economy is the way it is and where it may be headed. It...
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Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis A Prescription for Monetary Policy: Proceedings from a Seminar Series
A Prescription for Monetary Policy, originally published in 1976, contains the proceedings from a series of seminars. The seminars addressed the question, "How should the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) make monetary policy?" The need to...
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Theodore B. Kinni, Al Ries, Theodore B. Kinni Future Focus: How 21 Companies are Capturing 21st Century Success
Theodore B. Kinni Editor of The Business Reader Review, a free electronic newsletter of capsule reviews of new business books. Al Ries Voted one of the top 100 most influential public relations people in the 20th century by PR Week. Savvy business...
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Victoria Pybus The International Directory of Voluntary Work, 8th
This is a freshly revised eighth edition of the book that covers all types of voluntary work all over the world. Over 700 organizations worldwide need all types of people, both skilled and unskilled, for all types of work. Different...
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Ulric J., Jr. Gelinas, Steve G. Sutton, Jane Fedorowicz Business Processes and Information Technology
This text prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes. Interconnections among an organizations management, business processes,...
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Alan Clardy, Alan B. Clardy Studying Your Workforce: Applied Research Methods and Tools for the Training and Development Practitioner
By outlining the basic principles of research and tying them in with human resource development (HRD) functions, this practical guidebook describes how to apply specific research methods to common HRD problems. Topics covered include...
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Ann Bullock, Parmalee P. Hawk Developing a Teaching Portfolio: A Guide for Preservice and Practicing Teachers
This handbook provides essential information on developing and using portfolios throughout the entire professional teaching career. Using actual examples, it shows learners how to correlate portfolio content at the beginning, experienced, and...
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William Leiss In the Chamber of Risks: Understanding Risk Controversies
An incisive look at how governments and industry must both protect the public by managing risks effectively and engage responsibly with citizens in controversies about risks and risk management....
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Gordon Jackson Never Scratch a Tiger With a Short Stick: And Other Quotes for Leaders
Quotes for the leader who never stops learning to lead. Anyone in a leadership role will appreciate this book of inspirational quotes. Drawing from the wisdom of several respected leaders, writers, and visionaries, Gordon S. Jackson shares brief...
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Dan W. Kennedy No B.S. Sales Success (No B.S. Series)
For anyone who sells or manages salespeople, these proven strategies create success in a really tough world....
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Doug H. Moy, Doug H. Moy Living Trusts, 3rd Edition
Everything estate owners need to establish a successful living trust "Doug Moy?s Living Trusts lives for me. All Enrolled Agents and CPAs need this easy-to-understand information at their fingertips so they can properly advise their...
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Домой Без проблем через границу, №2. Физические лица вправе
Александр Прозоров. Князь. Война магов
Российская газета
Т. А. Зебряк. Основы музыкальной грамоты и сольфеджио
Е. В. Сидоренко. Тренинг коммуникативной компетентности в деловом взаимодействии
Мой мир
Эдгар К. Геффрой. Единственное, что все еще мешает, это покупатель
Б. Я. Бендерский. Техническая термодинамика
Михаил Зефиров. Асы Второй мировой войны. Союзники Люфтваффе. Италия
Мой мир
Тютюнник В.. Труды МИНЦ. Т.2, ч.2.
Frances McGinnity. Welfare For The Unemployed In Britain And
Северодвинск, Новосибирск, Омск, Димитровград, Дзержинск, Екатеринбург, Вологда, Йошкар-Ола, Санкт-Петербург, Ковров, Ижевск, Новороссийск, Батайск, Балаково, Улан-Удэ, Махачкала, Северодвинск, Владимир, Москва, Железнодорожный, Ачинск, Ярославль, Питер, Нальчик,
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