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А. А. Фет А. А. Фет. Сочинения. Том 1
Издание 1982 года. Сохранность хорошая. В первый том вошли стихотворения, поэмы и переводы А.А.Фета....
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Артуро Перес-Реверте Учитель фехтования
Какова цена чести? Как выжить в эпоху, раздираемую революциями и политическими дрязгами? Мир, где остались только человеческая подлость и предательство, - не лучшее место для кабальеро старой школы. Но как сохранить верность принципам и саму душу?...
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Alvin E. Roth Game-Theoretic Models of Bargaining
Game Theoretic Models of Bargaining provides a comprehensive picture of the new developments in bargaining theory. It especially shows the way the use of axiomatic models has been complemented by the new results derived from strategic models. The...
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John Cypher Bob Kleberg and the King Ranch : A Worldwide Sea of Grass
Ranching on the vast scale that Texas is famous for actually happened at King Ranch, a sea of grass that ultimately spread its pastures to countries around the globe under the fifty-year leadership of Bob Kleberg. This absorbing biography, written...
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Joel, Dr. Rubino The Power to Succeed: 30 Principles for Maximizing Your Personal Effectiveness (Power to Succeed (Paperback))
What exactly distinguishes those who are effective in their relationships, productive in business and happy, powerful and successful in their approach to life from those who struggle, suffer and fail? That is the key question that The Power to...
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Anthony Scott, Alan Maynard, Robert Elliott Advances in Health Economics
" It would be difficult to overstate the standing of the authors. Many HERU alumni are among the most highly esteemed health economists in the world ." - Steve Morgan, University of British Columbia This is a series of essays to mark the 25...
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Alexander J. Field, Gregory Clark, William A. Sundstrom Research in Economic History, Volume 18
Hardbound. Volume 18 of Research in Economic History contains six contributions, evenly divided between British and U.S. topics. The first discusses the use of the Charity Commission Reports as a new source for the study of British economic history....
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D. H. Stamatis Six Sigma and Beyond: Design of Experiments, Volume V
I In this volume, the author demystifies the Design of Experiments (DOE). He begins with a clear explanation of the traditional experimentation process. He then covers the concept of variation and the importance of experimentation and follows...
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Alliance for Safe Driving, Alliance for Safe Driving License to Drive Idaho
License to Drive offers you a totally integrated solution to driver education. Using a realistic approach, it covers all major driver education issues, with an emphasis on safety and defensive driving that will appeal to all new drivers. The focus...
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Dave Hage Reforming Welfare by Rewarding Work: One State's Successful Experiment
One of the most controversial and divisive issues in America, welfare reform stirs endless legislative study and heated debate but often results in political gridlock. Such was the case in the late 1980s when the Minnesota legislature came to a...
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Robert Beynon, Routledge The Routledge Critical Dictionary of Global Economics
Combining the in-depth background coverage of an encyclopedia, with the quick look-up convenience of a dictionary, this new work is an invaluable resource for anyone concerned with international economics. The only reference work to cover the...
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Домой А. Н. Стругацкий, Б. Н. Стругацкий. За
А. Ю. Купалова. Русский язык. Изучение синтаксиса
Sight Training (DS). Эта игра способствует
В. В. Розанов. Несовместимые контрасты жития
Прерванный путь. Роберт Дюваль ("Апокалипсис сегодня"), Томас Хэйден
М. А. Гацкевич. Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Jill K. Howe, William McRae, Scott M. Spanbauer.
Д. О'Нил. Бэтмен. Возвращение
Волгодонск, Волжский, Череповец, Находка, Москва, Воронеж, Новочеркасск, Ачинск, ВеликийНовгород, Москва, Стерлитамак, Питер, Волгоград, Артём, Старый Оскол, Питер, Северск, Волжский, Невинномысск,
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