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Под редакцией В. И. Петрова Прикладная фармакоэкономика. Учебное пособие для вузов
Первое отечественное издание, в котором на современном уровне представлены фундаментальные принципы фармакоэкономики, подробно рассмотрены основные и дополнительные методы фармакоэкономического анализа, даны рекомендации по использованию этих...
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N. Noffke Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition
Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system. To determine and to exploit its possibilities, this promising scientific field will benefit from a...
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John Leach A Course in Public Economics
Book DescriptionCovering core topics that explore the government's role in the economy, this textbook is intended for third or fourth year undergraduate students and first year graduate students. It includes markets, externalities, public goods,...
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Michael Carrell The Everyday Negotiator
Book DescriptionNever again pay the sticker price, accept what is given or engage in an unproductive argument?when you could negotiate the outcome you really want. With The Everyday Negotiator, even beginners can learn to understand the...
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James L. Creighton The Public Participation Handbook : Making Better Decisions Through Citizen Involvement
Book DescriptionInternationally renowned facilitator and public participation consultant James L. Creighton offers a practical guide to designing and facilitating public participation of the public in environmental and public policy decision making....
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Бредли Тревор Грив Смысл жизни
Если вы еще не пустились на поиски смысла жизни, значит, вы просто продолжаете зря терять три четверти своего времени в ожидании выходных. И наоборот, непрекращающиеся поиски своего предназначения, со всеми их взлетами и падениями, - это...
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Lee Ufan Art Of Encounter
Book DescriptionPainter, sculptor, writer, and philosopher Lee Ufan first came to prominence in the late 1960s as one of the major proponents of the Japanese avant-garde group Monoha. Japan's first contemporary art movement to gain international...
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Eila Mell Casting Might-Have-Beens: A Film-by-Film Directory of Actors Considered For Roles Given To Others
Book DescriptionSome acting careers are made by one great role and some fall into obscurity when one is declined. Would Al Pacino be the star he is today if Robert Redford had accepted the role of Michael Corleone in The Godfather ? Imagine...
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netherl International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2003 Rotterdam Mobility: A Room With A View
Book DescriptionThe theme of the first Rotterdam International Architecture Biennial was mobility--as it relates to the city and the landscape, and the design culture that comes with it. Held between May and July 2003, the biennial brought together...
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David Kalat Strange Case of Dr. Mabuse: A Study of the Twelve Films and Five Novels
Book DescriptionThe Mabuse phenomenon is recognized as an icon of horror in Germany as Frankenstein and Dracula are in the United States. This work is a study of the 12 motion pictures and five books (and some secondary films) that make up the eight...
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Sebastian Kneipp My Will: A Legacy To The Healthy And The Sick
Book DescriptionIt is a common practice for everyone who has acquired something or effected anything in his life time, to take steps for securing its continuance in the future, and to make sure that it will fall into the hands of those who will...
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Домой Гороскопы
А. Приставкин. Ночевала тучка золотая (аудиокнига MP3)
Преступление и наказание (3 DVD). Дважды классика - классическая экранизация
В. И. Шестакова. Праздники и развлечения для дошкольников и младших школьников
Марк Филипс, Джон Чаппел. Гитара для
Конструирование мебели. В книге подробно рассмотрены
Агата Кристи. Убийство в Восточном экспрессе. Драма в трех актах
Andrew Carnegie, Sir Arthur Helps, Adam Starchild.
Щедрин. В подражание Альбенису. Юмореска. Обработка для скрипки и фортепиано.
Альберт Аспидов. Петербургские арабески
Владимир Пищалев. Диета по генетическому коду
Tad Burness. The Vintage House Book: Classic American Homes 1880-1980
Курск, Первоуральск, Красноярск, Волгоград,
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