Damodar N Gujarati

Basic Econometrics w/Software Disk

Gujarati’s Basic Econometrics provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics without resorting to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the elementary level. Because of the way the book is organized, it may be...

International Trade Manual : Importing Exporting Forwarding

The International Trade Manual is the definitive book about export, import and freightforwarding for business people and students of further and higher education. It is vital reading for anyone involved in international commerce and is the leading...

Stephen M. Vukovich

Secure Commercial Real Estate: The Investors Guide to Control the Physical Realm

The book is a comprehensive guide to understand and mitigate all forms of physical investment risk in commercial real estate transactions - including acquisitions, loans and Wall Street securitized products. No other text before has approached this...

Scott S. Pickard

Leaders Ask Good Questions: 2,000 Good Questions to Keep Ceos on Their Toes

Leaders Ask Good Questions is a thinking, brainstorming, and preparation tool for executives and directors, with over 2,000 good corporate governance and due diligence questions to keep CEOs on their toes....

Michael H. Hyman, Michael E. Hyman

The Power of Global Capital: New International Rules-New Global Risks

No investor or business person can do without a clear understanding of what is going on "out there" in the now global business world. This innovative book provides a way to stay informed and learn the economic indicators that affect global capital...

Ted McCain, Ian Jukes

Windows on the Future: Education in the Age of Technology

Foreword by David D. Thornburg Windows on the Future was designed to help the educator cope with changes created by technology and embrace a new mindset necessary to access the burgeoning technological...

Steven Roman

Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition

Newly updated for Excel 2002, Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition provides Excel power-users, as well as programmers who are unfamiliar with the Excel object model, with a solid introduction to writing Visual Basic for Applications...

Charles E. Brown, Imar Spaanjaars, Todd Marks

Beginning Dreamweaver MX 2004

What is this book about? This outstanding team of authors shows you how easy it can be to create and maintain dynamic, powerful Web sites using Dreamweaver MX 2004. Our hands-on tutorials guide you step by step through building three...

Stasys Jukna

Extremal Combinatorics

The book is a concise, self-contained and up-to-date introduction to extremal combinatorics for non-specialists. Strong emphasis is made on theorems with particularly elegant and informative proofs which may be called gems of the theory. A wide...

Peter Gutmann

Cryptographic Security Architecture: Design and Verification

Traditional security toolkits have concentrated mostly on defining a programming interface (API) and left the internals up to individual implementors. This book presents a design for a portable, flexible security architecture based on traditional...

Jeffrey J. McConnell

Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

The goal of Analysis of Algorithms is to raise awareness of the effect that algorithms have on the efficiency of a program and to develop the necessary skills to analyze general algorithms used in programs. The text presents the material with the...

<<<  Петр Алешкин. Трясина Ульт-Ягуна. Зыбкая тень             Penny Kendall-Reed. Healing Arthritis: Complementary ... >>>

Новости Под редакцией А. В. Струнина. Компьютер для тех, кому Лазарева Е.И.. Русско-венгерский разговорник Вакансии Michael Henderson, Dougal Thompson. Values at Work: The Invisible О компьютерах Новый Завет. Издание включает в себя Новый завет в русском переводе. Lam Thi My Da. Green Rice : Poems by Lisa Banim. Lizzie McGuire Mysteries: Case at Camp Get-Me-Outie! - Book Летний лагерь на базе школы. 1-5 классы. Для организации Лента Ю. В. Косачев. Математическое моделирование интегрированных Автомобильный портал А. Ф. Петрушевский. Генералиссимус князь Суворов Paul Luff, Jon Hindmarsh, Christian Heath. Workplace Studies: Recovering Фото
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