Вадим Панов

Атака по правилам

Кровавое побоище в ночном клубе, устроенное прелестной стриптизершей, неожиданно превратившейся в устрашающего монстра, стало лишь одним из эпизодов чудовищного заговора против обитателей Тайного Города. Последние представители древних рас, предки...

Брэд Стрикланд, Джо Девито

Кинг-Конг. Король острова "Мертвая голова"

С тех пор как Кинг-Конг побывал в Нью-Йорке, прошло много лет. Однако остров Мертвая Голова, родина его предков, таит еще немало чудес и загадок. Остались там и люди, которые помнят подлинную историю Конга, знают, кто он и откуда взялся и почему так...

Jeffrey L. Rodengen

The Legend of McCarthy

Book DescriptionThe Legend of McCarthy recounts the remarkable saga of one of America's oldest and largest privately held construction companies. McCarthy's deep roots reach to the Civil War era, when Irish immigrant Timothy McCarthy began a small...

The ABCs of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Professors From the World's Top Business Schools on the Fundamentals All Business Professionals Should Know ... (Inside the Minds) (Inside the Minds)

Book DescriptionInside the Minds: The ABCs of Entrepreneurship is the most authoritative book ever written on the essentials behind conceptualizing and implementing a successful business venture. This title features the Department Chairs and Center...

Public Policy in the Age of Globalization: Responses to Environmental and Economic Crises

Book Description This book focuses on changes in environmental and economic policies in six developing countries. It shows how domestic politics interact with international actors such as multilateral institutions. It offers lively accounts of...

Henry E. Riggs

Financial and Economic Analysis for Engineering and Technology Management (Wiley Series in Engineering and Technology Management)

Book DescriptionExpert guidance for fiscally responsible engineering and technology managers. This thoroughly updated Second Edition is an accessible self-study guide and text that helps engineers extract important meaning from financial statements...

Joseph White

False Alarm : Why the Greatest Threat to Social Security and Medicare Is the Campaign to "Save" Them (Century Foundation Book)

Book Description With the aging of the U.S. population, there is much speculation about the future of the Social Security and Medicare programs. Will they be able to provide for the increasing number of elderly people? And, if they can, will their...

Kim Bartel Sheehan

Controversies in Contemporary Advertising

Book Description "This is an important book for those contemplating entering the advertising field as professionals. The book exposes readers to the issues that most professionals will likely confront in this highly volatile, often controversial,...

Rick Smolan

Massachusetts 24/7

Book DescriptionFollowing the success of The New York Times bestseller America 24/7 , DK is publishing 50 books that showcase the best photographs from each state - all to be published on the same day. Each individual book includes 95%...

Lisa Appignanesi

The Cabaret

Book Description This captivating book presents a uniquely comprehensive cultural history of cabaret, where the most radical of artists, poets, writers, musicians, and theater directors have gathered since 1881. Lisa Appignanesi takes us to the...

Arthur A. Fiore

The Years to Be That Were: The Buddies

Book DescriptionLiving in the past could cost you a future....

<<<  И. В. Самойлов. Учетная политика организации на 2005 год             Penny Kendall-Reed. Healing Arthritis: Complementary ... >>>

Из рук в руки Единый государственный экзамен: Математика / Готовимся к ЕГЭ. Маша Кафард. Жизнь on-line Дмитрий Гордон. По душам. Сенсационные откровения Организационно-финансовые проблемы реформирования экономики России. Выпуск Нежное убийство. Брайон Джеймс ("Бегущий по лезвию"), Почта Яхо Robbie Morrison. Shimura Gwen Stefani. Love Angel Music Baby. Все Елочные игрушки (mp3). В издание входят следующие записи: Brenda Smith, Robert Thayer Sataloff. Choral Pedagogy Немецкий язык с братьями Гримм / Grimms Marchen. В Из рук в руки
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