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Richard Roberts Wall Street: The Markets, Mechanisms and Players (The Economist Series)
A comprehensive guide to Wall Street, the world's leading financial center. This book provides an authoritative but accessible guide to what happens on Wall Street, how it works, who does what, and why it matters. It provides an overview of the...
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Robert E. Hall, Alvin Rabushka Flat Tax
Here's the book that started the flat tax debate back in 1985, updated in an edition for the 1990s. Robert Hall and Alvin Rabushka present their plan as fair, efficient, simple, and workable. All income in the United States would be taxed once at...
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J. S. L. McCombie, Maurizio Pugno, Bruno Soro, John McCombie Productivity Growth and Economic Performance: Essays on Verdoorn's Law
This collection of essays on Verdoorn's Law--the relationship between the growth of industrial productivity and output--presents a number of comprehensive surveys and assessments of the vast literature available. The collection not only includes an...
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Robert Humphreys Poor Relief and Charity 1869-1945: The London Charity Organization Society
This volume challenges many widely held beliefs about the efficacy of the London Charity Organisation Society. The Charity Organisation Society continues to be used as an institutional model of the alleged advantages of voluntarism over state...
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Bernard Rapoport Being Rapoport : Capitalist with a Conscience (Focus on American History Series,Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin)
Bernard Rapoport has lived the American Dream. Born to Russian Jewish immigrant parents in San Antonio, Texas, in 1917, he grew up in poverty and worked his way through the University of Texas during the Great Depression. In 1951, he founded the...
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Jackie Krasas Rogers Temps: The Many Faces of the Changing Workplace
Now firmly established as fixtures of the American workplace, temporary employees comprise a much-discussed but still poorly understood segment of the labor force. In this consciousness-raising book, Jackie Krasas Rogers explores the realities of...
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Jae Ho Chung Cities in China: Recipes for Economic Development in the Reform Era (Routledge Studies--China in Transition, 7.)
Cities in Post-Mao China is a ground-breaking volume that reveals, through close detail and broad coverage, how exactly cities have been catalysts for China's economic development. This book will provide much needed data for those working in the...
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P. Hare Central Planning
The historical background is provided by an analysis of the early experience of the Soviet Union and a critical review of the conceptual debate of the 1930s. Subsequent chapters study central planning in the light of the theory of allocation...
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David G. Mayes, Liisa Halme, Aarno Liuksila Improving Banking Supervision
Improving Banking Supervision shows how greater market discipline can be used to help improve the quality of banks and their management in a world of increasing complexity, size, and innovation. The book is based on research undertaken...
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Deborah M. Kolb, Jean M. Bartunek Hidden Conflict in Organizations: Uncovering-Behind-The-Scenes Disputes (SAGE FOCUS EDITIONS)
Conflict is a persistent fact of organizational life. Much of it, however, rarely becomes public and instead is expressed `behind the scenes' in such forms as avoidance, toleration, gossip and vengence. This book takes examples from a number of...
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Patrick MacLagan Management and Morality: A Developmental Perspective
This comprehensive book provides an accessible overview of the moral and ethical dimensions to organizational and individual behaviour, while adding an original, developmental perspective. Management and Morality is...
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Хроника уничтожения старой Москвы. 1990-2006. Книга посвящена актуальной проблеме
Октябрина Ганичкина. Подарок садоводам и огородникам
Российская газета
Кир Булычев. Пленники астероида
Валентин Катаев. Валентин Катаев. Собрание сочинений
Дейвид Д. Буш. Цифровая фотография. Руководство по созданию
Каталог софта
Поиск людей
Michelle L. Evans. Texas Real Estate Contracts
Кэтрин Б. Фойер. Генезис "Войны и мира"
Robert W. Wendover. High Performance Hiring:
Рубцовск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Ярославль, Назрань, Назрань, Альметьевск, Владивосток, Жуковский,
Борьба и восточные единоборства| Теория машин и механизмов| Графика| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Авторское право| Ценные бумаги. Инвестиции. Оценочная деятельность| Промышленность. Энергетика| Химия| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Новая история (XVII вв. -1917 гг.)| Паззлы, головоломки, кроссворды| Атласы, карты, путеводители, справочники| Словари и разговорники| Экономика| История России XVII - начала ХХ вв.| Мультфильмы для взрослых| Европейские языки| Для дома и бизнеса| Все сказки мира| Оперетты| Актеры.| Методы "слепого" набора текста| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Электросвязь, электроакустика, радиосвязь| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)| Культура. Культурология| История экономики| Живопись| Деловая литература| Танец. Хореография| Физика| Для садоводов и огородников. Видеоуроки|
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