Daryl Koehn

The Ground of Professional Ethics (Professional Ethics)

As each week beings more stories of doctors, lawyers and other professionals abusing their powers, while clients demand extra services as at a time of shrinking resources; it is imperative that all practising professionals have an understanding of...

David H. Treichler, Ronald D. Carmichael

The Six Sigma Path to Leadership: Observations from the Trenches

Many organizations have seen dramatic improvements by implementing a Six Sigma system, including better efficiency, reduced errors, and increased profits. But for the individuals charged with implementing this system, it can be a long and arduous...

Aristide Halanay, Judita Samuel

Differential Equations, Discrete Systems and Control: Economic Models (Mathematical Modelling--Theory and Applications, Vol 3)

This volume presents some of the most important mathematical tools for studying economic models. It contains basic topics concerning linear differential equations and linear discrete-time systems; a sketch of the general theory of nonlinear systems...

Andrew Crockett, Trevor Harris, Frederic S. Mishkin, Eugene N. White

Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry: What Should We Do About Them? (Geneva Reports on the World Economy)

In the recent stock market collapse, confidence in the financial industry was shaken by numerous scandals. Beginning with Enron in 2001, scandals brought about the demise of prominent financial figures, damaged the reputation of premiere firms and...

Rick Bushnell, Jim Dooley

Bar Code Compliance Labeling for the Supply Chain : How to Do It

This book is a "how to" book for the project team charged with implementing a compliance labeling project or studying the project prior to making a recommendation to management regarding compliance. This book is also applicable to companies who are...

Richard Stephens

Simply Essential Home Moving Kit

- Prepare your family for moving day - Organize your possessions - Know what to do -- and when to do it -- to make your move easy...

Jacquelyn Lynn

Start Your Own Cleaning Service (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Ups)

Low start-up costs make a cleaning service ideal for sweeping up profits quickly Have you ever stopped to think about how much time you spend cleaning things? Your house, your car, your clothes-the list goes on and on. And how...

Laura L. Pullum

Software Fault Tolerance Techniques and Implementation (Artech House Computing Library)

Look to this innovative resource for the most comprehensive coverage of software fault tolerance techniques available in a single volume. It offers you a thorough understanding of the operation of critical software fault tolerance techniques and...

Ilp 200, Tamas Horvath, Akihiro Yamamoto

Inductive Logic Programming: 13th International Conference, Ilp 2003, Szeged, Hungary, September/October, 2003 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, ILP 2003, held in Szeged, Hungary in September/October 2003. The 23 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and...

Quick Source

Lotus Notes 4.6 Quick Source Guide

This 6 page, tri-fold full-color guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who uses Lotus Notes! It provides step by step instructions on how to customize the workspace, open a database, create new folders, work with public and personal address...

Ruth Maran

Microsoft Word 2000 Simplified

Without a doubt, Microsoft Word is the most commonly used word processor, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to navigate it by relying on your instincts. You need a lesson plan, so why not choose the easiest one out there? In Microsoft®...

<<<  Жан Батист Мольер. Плутни Скапена (аудиокнига на 2 CD)             Penny Kendall-Reed. Healing Arthritis: Complementary ... >>>

Воропаева Г.. Цветные сны. Стихотворения и минипроза 2001-2004 Барбара Гауди. Белая кость МТС Ольга Ланская. Королева ринга Chuck Weiner. Marilyn Manson "Talking" РБК Русское радио Al Bano & Romina Power. Romantica. На диске представлен альбом J. Gregory Sidak. Foreign Investment in American Telecommunications Погода David Kalamas. Developing Employee Capital Нигма Из рук в руки Maggie Humm. Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives
Волжский, Северодвинск, Златоуст, Владимир, Саранск, Питер, Владикавказ, Кызыл, Невинномысск, Брянск, Йошкар-Ола, Новошахтинск, Пенза, Липецк, Сыктывкар, Ярославль, Тамбов,
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