Christopher Dyer

Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks)

Between 1200 and 1520 medieval English society went through a series of upheavals--wars, pestilence, and rebellion. This book looks at aristocrats, peasants, townsmen, wage-earners, and paupers, and examines how they obtained and spent their...

Robin Fisher Roffer, Doris Ober

Make a Name for Yourself: Eight Steps Every Woman Needs to Create a Personal Brand Strategy for Success

One of America’s leading brand strategists shares her step-by-step program for creating an unforgettable identity in today’s marketplace. For any woman who has ever gone to work in the morning and thought "there must be more,"...

Don Aslett, John Caldwell

The Office Clutter Cure: How to Get Out from Under It All!

The Office Clutter Cure If you're surrounded by piles and stacks of paper, haven't seen the top of your desk in years, or you're afraid to even look into your file cabinets, this is the book for you! It takes a hard (but hilarious) look at the state...

Rosa Lynn B. Pinkus, Larry J. Shuman, Norman P. Hummon, Harvey Wolfe

Engineering Ethics: Balancing Cost, Schedule, and Risk-Lessons Learned from the Space Shuttle

How do engineers respond to ethical dilemmas that occur in practice? How do they view their individual and collective responsibilities? How do they make decisions before all the facts are in? Using the space shuttle program as its framework, this...

John Hartnett

OSHA in the Real World : How to Maintain Workplace Safety While Keeping Your Competitive Edge (Taking Control Series)

Crucial hands-on guide shows how to comply with the rules of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration...

Aspatore Books Staff, Pasatore Books Staff

Idea Development Journal

Bigwig Briefs: Become a VC includes knowledge excerpts from some of the leading venture capitalists in the world on ways to become VC, be successful, and rise through the ranks. These highly acclaimed VCs from some of the biggest name venture...

James Youniss, Miranda Yates

Community Service and Social Responsibility in Youth

James Youniss and Miranda Yates present a sophisticated analysis of community service's beneficial effects on adolescents' political and moral identity. Using a case study from a predominantly Black, urban high school in Washington,...

Morris Goldstein

Managed Floating Plus: The Great Currency Regime Debate

In this analysis, Morris Goldstein examines currency-regime choices for emerging economies that are heavily involved with private capital markets. The author argues that the best regime choice for such economies would be managed floating plus, where...

Christina E. Gringeri

Getting by: Women Homeworkers and Rural Economic Development (Rural America)

In this book Christina Gringeri investigates the effects of homeworking on workers--mainly women--and their families and explores the role of the state in subsidizing the development of homeworking jobs that depend on gender as an organizing...

Myo Thant, Hiroshi Kakazu, Min Tang

Growth Triangles in Asia: A New Approach to Regional Economic Cooperation

This book describes the triangle arrangement of economic cooperation that has emerged in Asia, and discusses their potential and future prospects in the current economic climate....

Effective Security Management, Fourth Edition (Effective Security Management)

This latest edition of Effective Security Management retains the qualities that made the previous editions a standard of the profession: a readable, comprehensive guide to the planning, staffing, and operation of the security function within...

<<<  Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес. Десять дней в открытом ...             Penny Kendall-Reed. Healing Arthritis: Complementary ... >>>

Компьютерные новости Е. Егорова-Гантман, К. Плешаков. Политическая реклама Н. А. Полтавская. Нотариат. Курс лекций Chen/Jhabvala/K. Membership Based Organizations Андрей Кутузов. Лечение цирконием, медью, серебром Eugenia Santiesteban. Maya & Miguel (Maya & Miguel) Гороскопы Ф. Достоевский. Братья Карамазовы Мегафон Claude Michaud, Jean-Claude Theonig, Malcolm Stewart, Jean-Claude Todd Dezago, Mike Raicht, Derec Aucoin, Э. Мах. Познание и заблуждение. Очерки по психологии Michael Hudson. Global Fracture: The New International Economic Order Andreas Schroer. Private Presley: The Missing Years--Elvis Cricket Liu. DNS & BIND Cookbook Е. Л. Соснина. Черный алмаз Бесплатные объявления David E. Hoffman. The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia А. Бушков. Владимир Путин. Полковник, ставший капитаном Новости Гарольд Роббинс. Голливудская трилогия.
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