Robert Feinschreiber

Transfer Pricing Methods: An Applications Guide

Advanced praise for Transfer Pricing Methods "Feinschreiber and a team of renowned executives have provided the definitive transfer-pricing guide to this challenging area. At a time when many companies are reviewing documents, policies, and...

Mark Baldassare

When Government Fails: The Orange County Bankruptcy

"Orange County," writes Mark Baldassare, "is a place that is widely known but largely misunderstood." That's especially true of the bankruptcy proceedings the California county was forced to initiate in late 1994 after risky investments led to a...

Robert Costanza, Bobbi S. Low, Elinor Ostrom, James Wilson

Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability

In the latter part of the 20th century, humans are doing a particularly poor job of managing natural resources in a sustainable way over the long term. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability focuses on long-term, sustainable natural resource...

Shar McBee

To Lead Is To Serve: How to Attract Volunteers & Keep Them

To Lead Is to Serve is about a quick and easy way to transform a group of volunteers into a thriving organization....

Sandrine Lardic, Valerie Mignon

Recent Developments on Exchange Rates (Applied Econometrics Association Series)

This collection examines recent developments in exchange rate analysis. In the first part, two exchange rate models are proposed: a model which combines heterogeneous agents and transaction costs, and a dynamic general-equilibrium two-country...

Jordi Canals

Universal Banking: International Comparisons and Theoretical Perspectives

In the wake of the drastic changes that have occurred in the world banking industry over the past two decades, Professor Canals's new book addresses several important questions: are universal banks bound to disappear? What is the role of universal...

Robert Murphey, Panos M. Pardalos

Cooperative Control and Optimization (Applied Optimization, 66)

A cooperative system is defined to be multiple dynamic entities that share information or tasks to accomplish a common, though perhaps not singular, objective. Examples of cooperative control systems might include: robots operating within a...

Claude W. Burrill, Johannes Ledolter

Achieving Quality Through Continual Improvement

Take a look at the cover of this book, particularly the two images you see there. One image is of electronic components, which makes sense-quality management has been an important tool in the electronics industry for some time now. The other image...

Elaine Biech

The 2003 Annual, 2 Volume Set (J-B Pfeiffer Annual Losseleaf Set)

Trainers, consultants, facilitators, and managers rely on the Pfeiffer Annual year after year for up-to-date information about making their organizations more effective. This contributed volume contains a wide variety of field-tested...

R. Murray Thomas

Overcoming Inertia in School Reform: How to Successfully Implement Change

This insightful guide features concrete steps and suggestions that shed new light on the obstacles to avoid, the problems to correct, and the methods to embrace in order to overcome inertia and foster positive educational reform. ...

Jack Drafahl, Sue Drafahl

Photo Salvage With Adobe Photoshop: Techniques for Saving Damaged Prints, Slides, Negatives and Digital Files (Solutions)

Offering extensive information on photo salvage techniques essential to all photography, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of techniques made possible with Adobe Photoshop. From a novice-friendly examination of required equipment to...

<<<  В. П. Божко. Информационные технологии в статистике             David Blatner, Glenn Fleishman, Steve Roth, Conrad ... >>>

Новости В. Коновалов. Совсем другая медицина Чат ДМОЗ Роберт Хайнлайн. Роберт Хайнлайн. Собрание сочинений в трех Наталья Нестерова. Позвони в мою дверь А. Елисеев. Правда о 1937 годе. Кто развязал Alan Dyson, Alan Millward. Schools and Special Почта Яхо Яндекс Яхо Работа Почта Andre LaMothe. Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Конференция Колыбельные песенки. В книгу включены колыбельные Митьки. Праздник русской авиации. Праздник русской авиации; Беседка в городе Сергей Зверев. Батяня. Последнее русское Larry Wright, Patricia Wright. Great Lakes Lighthouses Encyclopedia
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